Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Leonard Peltier on the Passing of Pete - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Leonard Peltier on the Passing of Pete Seeger By Leonard Peltier Censored News Greetings my friends, relatives, supporters: I want to comment on a couple of different issues one is on a sad note, that Pete Seeger passed away. When I say sad it is because we will miss the music he gave to the world, and gave to all the people who struggle against the injustices that take place throughout the world and humanity it seemed like he always had a song that would remind us of who we are and what our responsibility was/is to this existence. I for one will miss him, he has been a strong supporter of the cause for justice in my case throughout many, many years. I will definitely miss Pete Seeger. Whether he goes to heaven, someplace for a while or reincarnates I have no doubt a personality like his will ever be silenced by a mere passing of lifetime. Thank you for the lifetime you shared with us Pete Seeger. In keeping with being thankful, every day I wake up I am thankful for the many people who support Native American causes and the causes of all humanity thought the world. There is no one person or one group that is totally responsible for probably any one thing as we know it. All life and experience and existence is built upon the foundation of something before it. I am especially grateful, and I would like to say again to Mr. James Anaya and all the people who worked so hard to facilitate his coming to see me. It really means a lot, because I know he represents the thoughts and prayers of Native people all across this country that went to his meetings and have shared their concerns in my case, and when I say ALL across this country, I mean the far North into Canada and the far south into South America. I especially want to thank the International Indian Treaty Council, who worked so hard to help bring this about. I also want to say a special thanks to all of our Sisters in the movement, in saying that I do mean Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts, and ALL of the courageous women who have worked for so many years and who stand up in their respected communities and are so much an inspiration to the children and to the men. The women have always been the backbone of any movement throughout the world for they are the givers of life and the ones who have the very first influence on our children. With that, I will close for now. Again, thank you Pete Seeger. May we all be inspired by Pete Seeger and others like him. Your friend in the struggle In the spirit of Crazy Horse Leonard Peltier Mitakuye Oyasin
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 08:29:30 +0000

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