Turn down for what when I have every reason to be turnt up? Why - TopicsExpress


Turn down for what when I have every reason to be turnt up? Why would I turn down when my Heavenly Father, the Creator of all things, has gone through such ridiculous lengths to rescue me from the penalty my sins so justifiably deserve? He sent His one and only Son from the pleasures of His Kingdom and comforts of His dwelling to enter into a wicked, evil, sinful, broken, pain-filled, sorrowful world for me to be able to indwell in His resting place and enjoy all of His glorious riches. He made having a relationship with Him possible by giving up something temporarily in order for me to gain everything eternally. He not only forgives all of my sins but he forgets them as well. They are cast as far as the east is from the west. The old me has gone the new has come. I am no longer a slave to sin. Jesus did for me in one moment what I could never do for myself in a lifetime. He defeated sin and conquered death in order for me to rise and walk victoriously. He took my sorrows and gave me his joy. He traded my shame for his radiant glory. He stripped away my guilt and replaced it with his innocence. He not only broke the chains that bound and detained me for years but he gave me the power to walk in freedom everyday. He turned the darkness into light. He opened my eyes to eternal things. He was broken that I could be made whole. And, the coolest part is that He came looking for me. I never had to go find Him. He found me in the filth of my sin, when everyone else rejected me, He always accepted me. He met me exactly where I was ... in the pig pen of death, destruction, and devastation. He didnt show up condemning me but lovingly and compassionately pursuing me. His heart broke for me and he so desperately wanted me to experience the fullness of life He alone could offer me.... and He thought of me thousands of years ago when He sent Jesus to die on calvary for Me. Since I have begun to grasp that, I have never been able to turn down. My prayer is that whoever reads this will also get the best privilege and blessing life has to offer by experiencing and encountering this great God for yourself. Hes there. Sitting with you right now no matter what mess you find yourself in. He doesnt care about the mess. He cares about you. He wants you. Let him clean up the mess. Just say yes to him and rest in his arms today. You will never regret it. Hes so faithful, slow to anger, patient, gentle and kind. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has no favorites. Let go and receive his love for you even if you cant understand how or why.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 01:54:01 +0000

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