Twelve years ago , nineteen al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four U.S. - TopicsExpress


Twelve years ago , nineteen al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four U.S. commercial airliners and flew them into the World Trade Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. In the war that Congress authorized against al Qaeda only three days after that attack, the vast majority of the U.S. casualties have occurred in the last four and a half years during the presidency of Barack Obama. The Death toll of Afghanistan and al Queda soldiers and CIVILIANS and children is over 126,000 Think about it this way. How would you feel if a tank ran over your car, or if another country killed your INNOCENT family just because they are considered Terrorists. When the USA were the reason why the twin towers even fell in the first place, proof?- there is no possible way that the twin towers could of fell straight down, without precise demolition tactics, without the steel frames. And why is it that OSAMA bin Ladens body was buried in the middle of the ocean so quickly, without any examination, or EVIDENTIAL proof that it was Osama bin laden, and Why did it happen RIGHT after Obama was elected president. These factors and this just makes AMERICA just as bad as them, but people dont realize the signs, and what the GOVERNMENT is really doing, the Al Queda destroyed 2 of our towers killing 3000, people. And America goes and blows up Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and countries all over the world. And then SPENDS OUR TAX DOLLARS to rebuild these Terrorist countries. If you really see what America is doing to us, and know that President bush, sent over 300,000 guns to Al queda before the war even started, then you may just realize, what the world is becoming. And im sure you ALSO am going to think i am a bad person for saying this, but for them to destroy 2 of our towers, and then we go and DESTROY their whole country, just imagine yourself in their shoes, for 12 years you hear bombs going off, tanks running over your cars, and there is ABSOLutELY nothing you can do about it. If you read this, Please share, because I want the world to know A LOT of things. But who are the Real bad guys, Us or them? The government has a formula through propaganda to get you to believe anything they say. and last thing i must point out is- Why is it that EVERY SINGLE NATIONAL tragedy that happens, there is only ONE or 2- LONE GUNMAN involved, or Lone bombers, that brings out some conspiracy, that MAYBE the government told them to do it, because they can cover up what their doing to keep america in a panic. The average soldier for 1 US soldier to deploy to the war in IRAQ cost 390 thousand dollars. Have a good day everyone, and think outside the box. ! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 21:52:38 +0000

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