Two men were at a bar, one black and another white. The black man - TopicsExpress


Two men were at a bar, one black and another white. The black man said, I don’t care what they do. I just don’t think it is the same thing as being black. The white guy said, I don’t care either but what bothers me is why the states cannot decide. I hear that the Supreme Court will rule on this by summer. Yea, the black guy said, I say, just let everyone mine their own business and that will be that. But you know, I heard that the court made some business owner participate in their wedding, even though they believe like me that God says it is not right. Now that is wrong! The white guy said, well, don’t take this the wrong way, but isn’t that the same as the court making businesses serve blacks. The black guy said, if they can prove they were born that way, I guess it would be the same, but no one can prove that. I mean it makes no sense, that God would create them this way and then say that it is a sin. White guy says; well only if you believe in the bible would that would make sense.... ... Believe it or not on the very concepts of the conversation of these two men hang whether we can really keep the founding principle in the Constitution. This Supreme Court case could decide a new way to create rights to the detriment of our society. Come see what I mean. examiner/…/gay-marriage-scalia-and-the-const…
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 21:35:15 +0000

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