UFO Chased By Jets, Men In Black, FBI - Ohio State Park This is - TopicsExpress


UFO Chased By Jets, Men In Black, FBI - Ohio State Park This is a rather startling story which occurred lasted week in at Salt Fork Lake State Park. It was published on July 14, 2013 by The Jeffersonian. It has the makings of a movie script, UFO sighting, Jets circling the area, Men in Back wearing guns, UFO in Guernsey County Ohio. Richard Big guys wearing guns asked him to leave the area An angler who lives close to Salt Fork Lake and who spent a night fishing on the bank late last week said he fell asleep only to awaken to a bite and unidentified lights in the sky. The man who asked that he not be identified said he was fishing at the lake on Thursday night and Friday morning when, at some point, he fell asleep. He said a bite on the line awakened him and he looked up only see, on the horizon above a tree line, four sets of orange light clusters. They looked like Chinese lanterns, he said. Three took off and one fell back into the tree line. A short time later, jet fighters arrived and circled the area. Weary, he fell back asleep. But, when he awoke at dawn, he remembered what he had observed and decided to drive over in the direction of the spot where he had seen the lights fall. As he reached the vicinity and got out of his vehicle with camera in hand, an unmarked car pulled up. Two men got out and told him to leave. They were big guys wearing holsters,(guns) he said. I wasnt going to argue with them. He thought they might be FBI or other federal officials. But an FBI spokesperson from their regional office in Cincinnati said there has been no reported activity in this area. Todd Lindgren said there are two FBI officers in the Cambridge office. One was in Quantico, Va., home of the FBI Academy, during the time in question. The other officer reported no activity in this region. In addition, a dispatcher with the Guernsey County Sheriffs Office had no information and officials at Salt Fork State Park said they had had no contact with the FBI. The observer said it was the second time he had seen such lights over Salt Fork. On July 5, he was with his girlfriend when they observed a similar clustering of lights, he said, adding that similar UFO sightings were reported in Columbus the next day.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 14:40:24 +0000

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