UNCOMMON FAVOUR While others are looking for favour God seeks - TopicsExpress


UNCOMMON FAVOUR While others are looking for favour God seeks to give it to you. Your time to experience uncommon favour has come: Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: FOR THE TIME TO FAVOUR HER, YEA, THE SET TIME, IS COME. (Psalms 102:13). The time to favour you in your business, in your work, in your education, marriage or whatever you are into HAS COME! The Lord has anointed me to proclaim uncommon favour on you today. Wow! The Lord has never asked me to do something that never produces miracles. Uncommon favour will produce uncommon miracles. Hallelujah! Once you receive it you can increase in it. The Bible says, And Jesus INCREASED IN wisdom and stature, and in FAVOUR WITH GOD AND MAN. (Luke 2:52) This is amazing. It means, you can receive and maintain the flow of what the Lord is giving you today. Favour is one of the out-working of grace. When favour is upon you it will attract the good things of life which you dont even deserve to come to you. Good, attention, promotion and wealth will be turned to you. Favour gives you an unfair advantage. Though it is not fair it is good especially when it comes from God. David stood before king Saul and served the king because he had found favour in his sight (1 Samuel 16:22). favour will make room for you and make you stand among the mighty and great. What you need to get that job, is favour. No matter what they say, theyll not be able to stop you. Favour will cause men to give to you in an extraordinary way (Nehemiah 2:5). The wealth of the wicked will begin to flow to you. Youll start receiving help and money from this day. I have noticed that some people never get married not because they are not beautiful or anything but because they lack favour. Young lady, someone will obtain favour from the Lord by finding you, youll no longer be hidden from Mr Right. Young man, youll obtain favour from Mrs Right, the Lord is ordering your steps in the right direction. If you can receive favour, you can receive anything. What I have been released to release this morning is more than just favour, it is uncommon favour. Therefore, expect uncommon miracles. Doors will open for you where you didnt even knock. What youve been struggling to achieve for years, will come to you speedily, NOW! God surrounds those who are righteous with favour as with a shield (Psalm 5:12). Everyone who will look at you from this day, will only look at you with favour. Even those who hate you will favour you. Like Esther youll obtain favour in the sight of ALL them that look upon you (Esther 2:15). To increase favour one needs to get the word, for it is the wisdom of God. Wisdom says, For whoso findeth me findeth life, AND SHALL OBTAIN FAVOUR OF THE LORD (Proverbs 8:35) . The more you increase in the word, the more you increase in favour. Therefore, from today, resolve to keep yourself growing and increasing in the word. A day of favour is worth a lifetime of labour. God brought Daniel into favour with the prince of the eunuchs (Daniel 1:9). He can bring you into favour with great men and women around the world if youd let Him. Dont forget to testify. I speak as a man of God. I dont waste words. MY PRAYER FOR YOU RIGHT NOW, I command every struggle and restlessness in your life to go. I curse the roots and fruits of it. I curse every memory and fear of failure, rejection, shame and death, I command it to be erased. In the Name of Jesus, I release UNCOMMON FAVOUR upon you and upon everything you do. I speak in the Name of Jesus, I speak forth uncommon financial miracles. Receive your miracle job. Receive your miracle wedding. Receive uncommon wisdom to handle the affairs of life. Receive healing for your family and friends. May your phone start ringing with good news. Receive RIGHT NOW! It is done! Thank you Lord Jesus. Comment I RECEIVE to connect to the anointing.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 08:21:22 +0000

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