UPASANI BABA (Upasani Baba functioned as a Sadguru in Sakori - TopicsExpress


UPASANI BABA (Upasani Baba functioned as a Sadguru in Sakori & reached the pinnacle of fame during 1927-28. His fame declined thereafter.The Kanya Kumari Sthan in Sakori is a unique contribution of Upasani Baba. He wrote in a hymn that Sai Baba is the unborn, the veritable Brahman. & also composed the famous arti song, “Shri Sainath Mahima Stotra” (Sada nimba vrukhashya...........).) Upasani Baba’s full name was Kashinath Govindrao Upasani Shastri. He was born on 5th May, 1870 in Satana village, Nasik district and his parents were Govind Shastri and Rukmini. He was born in an orthodox Brahmin family. His grandfather, Gopal Shastri was the court adviser on religious and literary matters to the Gaekwad of Baroda, besides being an adviser to many other small States. Govind Shastri, his father was a copyist in the civil court of Dhulia. Kashinath did not behave like a normal child from the beginning. He studied for three years in a vernacular elementary school and left the school due to merciless canning by his teacher. He also hated his own body as the body was not free from pain. He was interested and spent all his time in performing Asanas, Pranayama, repetition of mantras etc. He practically became a problem boy to his parents. Thinking that after marriage, he would change, he was married but marriage was of no use and he did not change and on the other hand, he ran away from home and reached Nasik. However, after a few months, he returned home. Shortly thereafter his wife passed away. And again he was married for the second time. For his livelihood he went to places like Pune and could not find a job because he did not study well. For some time, he did menial service and for some other time, he took to begging and used to sleep on road side footpaths and now and then used to live only on neem leaves. He also went to Kalyan where he again started begging for his livelihood. After some time, he returned to Satana in 1890. Then his father passed away. After some time his grand father also passed away and at that time his family was in debts. At that time, another calamity took place in his second wife also passing away. He was totally dejected and to earn livelihood, he went to Sangli to learn Sanskrit and ayurvedic medicine and became an. ayurvedic doctor. He practiced in Amroati and earned enough money and invested money heavily in lands which resulted in a loss to him. Then he stopped his ayurvedic practice and went with his third wife to several places on pilgrimage. Thus he failed in all his attempts to earn his livelihood properly. His health also deteriorated substantially. Once while practicing Pranayama, his breath-cycle also got disturbed and his health was affected. All efforts of medical treatment having failed, he wanted to get help from a sage by name Kulkarni at Rahuri who told him that he had entered into a high yogic state and therefore, must take the help of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. He thought within himself that Sai Baba might be a Muslim and hence he did not take the advice seriously. One day when he was walking in the streets of Rahuri, an old man approached and advised him to drink hot water instead of cold water so that his health would be alright. . He also did not take this advice seriously. Later on in Jajuri, he went into a Samadhi state while sitting in a lonely place and when he awoke, he felt very thirsty and went to the stream nearby to drink water. At that time the same old man re-appeared all of a sudden and repeated his earlier advice in an angry tone and disappeared suddenly. He took this advice this time seriously and followed what he advised and then found sudden relief by drinking hot-water. Then he moved to Kedgaon to meet Narayan Maharaj. On his way back he again met Kulkarni at Rahuri who again insisted that he should go and meet Sai Baba in Shirdi. Finally Kashinath came to Shirdi and met Shri Sai Baba on 27th June 1911 at the age of 41 years and his illness suddenly disappeared miraculously. Baba then asked him to stay in the wada. Baba also narrated an instance that once he met an emaciated and pregnant woman whom he advised to take only hot water and avoid drinking cold-water so that the child could be delivered easily. She did not follow his advice and continued drinking cold water only. Baba again advised the lady not to drink the cold water but only drink the hot water only. She listened then and started drinking the hot water and then she delivered the child easily. While narrating the story Baba was looking frequently at Kashinath, who was convinced beyond doubt that it was Baba who had appeared at the two places and advised him. Baba advised him to stay in Khandoba temple for 4 years and also said that after 4 years of stay in that temple he would get the full Grace and Blessings of Lord Khandoba. Baba advised him to simply sit quiet in the temple doing nothing and he would easily get spiritual benefits. Baba sometimes used harsh methods towards Kashinath in order to make him a perfect Guru. Baba once told Kashinath that he would visit one day Khandoba temple where Kashinath was staying. One day Kashinath saw a black dog in the temple while he was cooking. While he did not give any food to the dog, he brought food to Baba in the masjid. Then Baba said, “why did you take the trouble to bring the food here, in this hot sun. I was sitting there in your place in the temple”. Kashinath was shocked to hear that statement from Baba. He told Baba that there was none in the temple except a black dog. Baba immediately replied ‘yes, yes, I was that dog”. Then Kasinath felt that he should not commit such a mistake again. He was vigilant the next day while cooking, he watched around but could not see the dog.. But he saw a low-caste beggar in the temple who was watching him cook. Kashinath immediately asked him to go away. Later when he approached Baba with food, Baba told him “yesterday you did not give me food and today you also ordered me not to stand there and drove me away. Do not bring food for me hereafter”. Baba told Kashinath. Baba appeared there in the temple as a low-caste beggar whom he drove away. Thus, Kashinath understood that Baba and God were one and the same and Baba was there in everything. While staying in Shirdi, he wanted to return to his home and stay with wife but Baba did not give permission. In 1912 his third wife passed away and he was very much upset. Later he developed an extreme aversion for food and he used to throw away food to dogs. Strangely he stopped eating altogether for one year during 1913-1914. Though he was without food and lost considerable weight, he was still doing hard manual work. In July-August, 1913, Baba indicated that Kashinath was reaching the highest point in the spiritual achievement. During this period, Baba took away all the money from Kashinath, by asking Dakshina from him repeatedly. So he had no money left with him. Soon his clothes became rags, but Baba never allowed him to put on any new clothes sent by his relatives. Baba was teaching him practically the meaning of Baba’s statement, What man gives never lasts; what God gives never wears out. On the Gurupurnima day in July, 1913, Chandrabai Borker, a devotee of Baba, on Baba’s advice, went to Khandoba temple to worship Kashinath the way Baba was being worshipped. This lady was very stubborn in her approach and started worshipping Kashinath with all the puja material. Kashinath did not like and refused to be worshipped. But Chandrabai was firm and told him that even his body, which he thought was being worshipped, did not belong to him. From that day onwards Kashinath became Upasani Maharaj due to the blessings of Baba whose Grace installed him as a Guru even though his 4 year period of novitiate with Baba was not over. Then onwards, Upasani Maharaj started having visions and became a spiritual Guru. One day he saw himself standing at some place in the universe and saw the whole cosmos including the sun, moon, sky revolving. He then felt that the whole world was illusory and that he, as a soul, was outside the world. Thus he attained a higher stage in his spiritual pursuit. He also acquired some spiritual powers.. Baba gave spiritual training to Kasinath through a number of visions which over a period of time brought about the required changes in him. One important vision is stated below and in that vision,. Kasinath entered a house in which Baba was sitting inside and beckoned to him for the purpose of giving instructions by way of a whisper into his ear. But when Baba was about to do so, a dark counterpart of Kasinath pulled him away and prevented him from hearing Babas instructions. Baba gave number of warnings to his counterpart and then beat him and finally burnt him on a pyre. At this stage Baba said that Kasinath was free of sins by then. Baba also said, You will yourself understand without a word from me. Thus, he got converted into a Guru. Thereafter, while sitting in the temple, he would describe everything that happened in the mosque. He also knew the innermost thoughts of all and their past, present and future. Thus, Baba converted him into a Guru. Suddenly in July 1914 he left Shirdi stealthily, assisted by Dr.Pillay and Ganapat Rao of Shinde and went to Shinde, Nagpur, Kharagpur and other places and wherever he went, he observed that he was being worshipped despite his dislike. People started performing puja and sought his advice on several matters. People started following him and had arranged poor feeding, reciting kirtans. A number of miracles started happening around him. After staying for about a year in Kharagpur, when people tried to build a permanent abode for him, he quickly left the place. Soon he reached Nagpur, where also, people surrounded to have his darshan. After two months of stay at Nagpur, he moved to Poona and also went to his home at Satana. Then he returned to Shridi and stayed at Khandoba temple for about seven months. Thereafter, he left for Rahata and Ahmedabad for some time and then returned to Shirdi for the third time and stayed for about two to three months. In 1917, he finally went and settled at Sakori and started functioning as a Guru. He visited Baba in 1915 and 1916. He finally settled in Sakori in 1917 and Sakori is a village a few miles away from Shirdi. From 1917 onwards, Upasani Baba started functioning as a Sadguru in Sakori. Mervan Sheriar Irani (who became later Meher Baba) got enlightenment at Sakori in 1921 under the guidance of Upasani Baba and became Mejer Baba from 1922. Shri. Meher Baba was a disciple of Upasani Baba. Meher Baba later wrote a book, God Speaks, containing his life story and his association with Upasani Baba. Upasani Baba reached the pinnacle of fame during 1927-28. His fame was so great that people had to wait for one full day to have his darshan. Even Mahatma Gandhi approached him in 1927 to seek his blessings for national welfare. Upasani Baba visited Bombay in 1930 and at that time there was a mass darshan where he performed some miracles with the Grace of Sai Baba. His fame was in tact so long as he followed the views and principles of Sai Baba His fame started declining from 1936. And for some time, he had to face even legal hurdles from the Government. Sakori today is a great spiritual center where devotees receive great inspiration and training along the principles laid down by Sri Upasani Baba Mahraj. Sri Upasani Baba attained Samadhi on 24th December, 1941. A big Samsthan took shape in Sakori to meet the needs of the seekers who go there for spiritual enlightenment. The Kanya Kumari Sthan(monastery for lady-priests) is the unique contribution of Shri Upasani Baba. It is a great experiment in harnessing the female Shakti and has given a new dimension to spiritual endeavors. The virgin girls at a tender age were selected for the purpose of being initiated in a comprehensive training in Sanskrit and in memorizing and reciting the Vedas and other ancient Scriptures and they were also expected to imbibe the traditional spiritual philosophies of our ancient culture and civilization also perform puja and yajnas. He carved out an arduous program by which the young girls would remain absorbed in the contemplation of the Divine thoughts. Gradually, the Sthan achieved the triumphant revival of the old Vedic atmosphere when women took a leading part in the spiritual regeneration of the country. This daring and courageous departure from the old orthodox customs of debarring women from religious rites and spiritual progress brought down a storm of criticism against him and his persecution, but with his courage and spiritual power, he was able to overcome all the ignorant criticism. But the credit of upholding Shri Upasani Baba’s ideals in all their immaculate purity and strength goes to his radiant successor, Sati Godavari Mataji who ably managed and maintained the Sthan with all the dignity and transcendental stature. Also visit the paragraphs about Sakori below. Among the apostles of Baba the most prominent was Upasani Baba. Baba went all out to make him an ideal disciple and to bestow on him all his powers. He even went to the extent of asking some of his devotees to worship him as they worshipped Baba. But Babas aim did not work and Upasani left Shirdi after three years and 19 days while Baba wanted him to stay in Shirdi for four years to get the full benefit of his association with Baba. In 1918, when Shirdi Sai Baba left his mortal coil, Upasani Maharaj was in charge of Babas last rites as his chief disciple. During Feb, 1912, Upasani Baba composed a prayer of several hymns on Baba the first verse of which is as follows: Baba is the original Sat Chit Anand Swaroop, the primordial cause of original existence and destruction of the universe. Baba is appearing as a human being as the outcome of the ardent desire of his devotees to see him as such. In the eighth verse Upasani Baba says: Sai Baba is the unborn, the veritable Brahman. The famous “Shri Sainath Mahima Stotra” (Sada nimba vrukhashya...........) composed by him in Sanskrit at the time of installation of Babas padukas in 1912, highlighting the greatness of neem tree and Babas powers, is always being recited daily during Arati time in Shirdi. Sakori: During 1917 Upasani Maharaj laid the foundation for establishing Shri Upasani Kanyakumari Sthan or a hermitage for the spinsters meant to enable young Bramhacharins girls (spinsters) to learn Sanskrit and Vedas as well as to perform all the ritualistic functions according to Vedas and Upanishads. The participation of women in such functions was hitherto prohibited. The Sthan is situated at Sakori, about 6 KMs from Shirdi, in a quiet and calm village. This is actually a hermitage for spinsters to learn Sanskrit language, Vedas, Upanishads and perform yajnas or homas/sacrificial religious ceremonies with offerings to fire. It is equipped with modern amenities like mandaps, rooms for residents and guests, surrounded by little gardens. It was a haven of equanimity and purity with an atmosphere charged with positive vibrations. This ashram/hermitage stands as a proud monument of spiritual inspiration, a mighty creation of a simple ascetic who dared to elevate women to higher levels of spiritual growth and freedom and who proved that the women also could perform religious rituals on par with the men. This was an ideal and a revolutionary scheme started or kindled by Upasani Maharaj. The credit goes to him. The first disciple of Upasani Maharaj was Godavari Matha who was admitted to the ashram when she was 10 years old. She was from Shegaon (the residence of Saint Gajanan Maharaj), Akola District in Maharashtra and was born in 1914. Upasani Maharaj appointed her as his spiritual successor before attaining samadhi in Sakori. Godavari Matha attained samadhi on 11th of August 1990. She named no successor. Samadhis of Shri Upasani Maharaj and Godavari Mata are within the ashram premises. There is a yagna mandap. Yagnas were performed seven times in a year during all major Hindu festivals. Lord Ganesha visage or appearance which appeared on its own on a tree miraculously, can be seen. Devotees can worship the visage and their wishes are fulfilled. Dattatreya temple is located opposite the ashram. In December 1915, a young boy from Pune by name Mervan Sheriar Irani came to see Upasana Baba. Earlier Mervan was kissed by Hazrat Babajan who was God realized and thereafter there was a thorough spiritual change in his approach. After this incident, he came and saw Upasani Baba when he was sitting naked near the Khandoba temple. Upasani Baba welcomed Mervan by throwing a stone at Mervan, hitting Mervan on the forehead exactly at the place where Babajan had implanted a kiss. Mervan started bleeding and prostrated before Baba. Only Masters know their peculiar ways. This type of welcome from Baba left those who accompanied Mervan, in great shock and surprise, but Baba and Mervan both were unaffected. Then Baba greeted and embraced the bleeding Mervan and took him inside the Khandoba temple where they stayed together for two days in solitude. This welcome gift of Upasani Maharaj brought Mervan down to the world of duality, which he had lost after the kiss from Babajan. Mervan became a disciple of Upasani Maharaj and later on visited and stayed at Sakori on several occasions. Mervan also visited Sai Baba of Shirdi. He got enlightenment at Sakori in 1921 under the guidance of Upasani Baba and became Meher Baba from 1922. Meher Baba later wrote a book, God Speaks, containing his life story and his association with Upasani Baba. Om Sairam
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 05:20:55 +0000

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