Understand The Difference Between Make & Do These are a lot of - TopicsExpress


Understand The Difference Between Make & Do These are a lot of people that get confused between the words make and do. This is such a common problem. It can be a little confusing. I hope this clears it up for everyone. Make - to create something, this can be something physical such as a cake, a dress, book shelves, or something virtual such as effort, noise, phone call, demand. We are going to make an offer on the house. Are you going to make a cake for the holidays? I hope the children make an effort to keep the house clean. Did you make this dress all by your self? Do - can be used as an auxiliary verb, in a question, and it can be used as a main verb. - is used to state an action that is being preformed, the action can be something physical such as clean, cook, shopping, or, something virtual such as favor, good, work . Please go do your homework. They do painting & cleaning. My parents do a lot of favors to people. Does she do well in school? Please Note: The words do & make are both very general terms, they are not used to state a specified action.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 05:24:47 +0000

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