Unfortunately, our globe now pays for the betrayal of the educated - TopicsExpress


Unfortunately, our globe now pays for the betrayal of the educated elite and domination of mediocres over culture & opinion! What happened in Europe is the greatest example of “betrayal of the elite” who accepted millions of petrodollars from Islamic countries – esp. Saudis & Qataris – to beautify the image of Islam & Muslims in Europe by their pens! Those are responsible for the blood of every human killed by Islamist terrorism in Europe and the whole world, and the blood of all those victims smears elites’ souls till eternity. For more than 4 years, I have been writing to warn against exploitation of secularism and values of the western culture by Islamist terror to dominate Europe. All of us will pay for that betrayal of the elite. In Egypt, we were accused by racism, islamophobia, extremism and fascism, though we kept warning and stating that fear against enemies of life and freedom is a legitimate right, and their confrontation is the greatest help to humanity and modern civilization, and nobody listens! We wrote that Islamists know only the language of power, and the confrontation with them must only be with guns, tanks and air-bombers! The true educated person should always say the truth, and never fear consequences, even if the truth is not appealable to the mass! Even if alone! And all the shame to traitors and mediocres who betrayed humanity and put the human civilization over a burning bomb through allegations encapsulated in bright human slogans. The same slogans reveal their mediocrity and shallowness, as they advocated those savage barbarians, enemies of humanity and civilization. And day after day we distinguish between real and fake gold!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 16:05:18 +0000

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