United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon released a statement - TopicsExpress


United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon released a statement that read, in part, Too many Palestinian civilians have been killed, and any Israeli ground offensive will undoubtedly increase the death toll and exacerbate civilian suffering in the Gaza Strip. So its all Israels fault. The fact that the Palestinians have fired nearly 1,000 rockets at Israel in recent days seems to get lost in the shuffle. As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained yesterday on Fox News Sunday: I just want your viewers to imagine the United States being bombarded not in one city or two cities, but in every city between New York and Colorado, 80 percent of your citizens would have to be in bomb shelters or ready to go into bomb shelters within a minute to minute-and-a-half, max. No country can accept that, we cant accept it, and well take the necessary actions to stop it. Netanyahu succinctly summed up the current situation when he said, The difference between us, we are using missile defense to protect our civilians, and theyre using their civilians to protect their missiles. To amplify the double standard that routinely confronts Israel, an anti-Israel mob attempted to storm a Paris synagogue this weekend. At least three Jews defending the synagogue ended up in the hospital, and this attack barely made the news. Just imagine if a mob of Jews attacked a mosque. That story would make the front pages. Its now routine for Muslims to attack churches on Sunday mornings, and every time there is a collective yawn from the media. But if a mob of Christians attacked a mosque, there would emergency U.N. meetings, demands for sensitivity training and hearings to learn how a faith could so radicalize its followers.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 03:56:04 +0000

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