Unmasking the devil: Saba saba rally should liberate Kenyans from - TopicsExpress


Unmasking the devil: Saba saba rally should liberate Kenyans from the ills of bad governance Jim Bonnie Come on folks, the jubilee regime is under siege. Apart from their internal squabbles, which I don’t want to butt in, they are sensibly facing danger from the imminent power of the opposition. And they knew it from the word go. I believe that Mr. Uhuru and Mr. Ruto, both being good graduates of dictator Moi’s tuition, were advised to either entice or threaten the prime minister into retiring from politics. It’s absurd by the way. The desire to kick Raila out of Kenyan politics was mooted immediately the criminal duo charged with; murder, rape, manslaughter, forcible deportation of population and other heinous and genocidal crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court rose to power. Having good schemers both within and without government circles, they were briefed accordingly on the dangers of Raila’s continued lively involvement in the Kenyan politics. That is why there were desperate attempts by the ruling regime to try and ‘tame’ Raila. But I said it from the word go that the planners and executers of this scheme were bound to fail. They had a misguided and convoluted opinion that Raila could be “taught a lesson” simply by stripping him off official cars, bodyguards, retirement benefits and locking the VIP lounges at the airport whenever he is at the vicinity of the airport. The jubilee coalition might have run a good breathtaking campaign as some purport. But it is clear that the noise and propaganda they spread around the country can’t be credited to their “victory”. Don’t buy their line, they are cheating you. These people are very good at lying. They will dupe you, fool you and brainwash you into subscribing to their theory of ‘accept and move on’. Jubilee’s rise to power was pure rigging and stealing of votes. Pure and square folks! Those who want to debate this fact are the same culprits – mainly the jubilee crowd of noisemakers and busybodies – who have been trying to endear jubilee leadership to the people of Kenya to no avail. Personally, I don’t think Uhuru and his co accused, Ruto, have any leadership worth talking about. Methinks they are just puppets of some powerful men including women who are bound to protect their interests. To say the truth, since these indictees forced their way into power, Kenya has made major steps backwards. You will agree with me that the runaway insecurity in the country is appalling, corruption is nursed, tribal appointments are at the peak and the country is more divided that at any one time in Kenya’s history. The successive governments – which Uhuru is protecting – have failed to offer any shred of solution to historical injustices dogging our country. In any case, they have succeeded in escalating the situation in the country. Mr. Uhuru for instance is sitting pretty on the report of the TJRC which obviously has adversely mentioned him, his family, friends and cohorts. It is in the public domain that the 1992 and 1997 tribal clashes are credited to the former heartless dictator – Moi. Of course Jomo Kenyatta leads in land grabbing and Kibaki – the former lazy president remembered for nothing except the phrase ‘mavi ya kuku’ only built a superhighway leading to his home turf. We also remember the chilling assassinations of great leaders who were championing change like JM Kariuki, Robert Ouko, Pio Gama and many great sons of this nation who were mercilessly slaughtered, maimed and/or tortured. It is the failure of the government to sort out these issues that now invites the public into action. It has reached a time that peoples power must be expressed so that this country can be liberated forever. It is a pity when I see leaders masquerading as peacemakers while appointing their relatives, tribesmen, girlfriends and boyfriends into powerful positions. Phrases like ‘we are one’ have become very useless to pronounce. Surely, you can’t expect Kenyans to be one when you fail to demonstrate to them that they all belong to this country. Currently, our nation’s image at the international arena is tattered. It is not surprising that Kenya has no clear international policy. Our citizens get harassed in other countries without any government action being taken because of having very useless leaders at the top. This is why saba saba rally is necessary. It should bring with it changes that have long been desired by Kenyans. The people must show their distaste for the bad governance oozed by the current autocrats. When leaders fail to perform, they must then be forced to do so. No amounts of bullets or tanks can surmount the power of the people. That day and subsequent ones should liberate this country from the ‘hungry and angry’ hawks tearing our country apart. Jim Bonnie comments on topical issues
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 09:54:37 +0000

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