Update and Campaign - Let Us Know What You Think! While we - TopicsExpress


Update and Campaign - Let Us Know What You Think! While we still await cost estimates from monument companies and then for a response from the Ministry about our proposal to *Remember Every Name* we have started a campaign to raise awareness at the Premiers office about the much needed restoration in the cemetery. For anyone wanting more information about this new letter writing campaign to properly memorialize the 1500 individuals currently missing appropriate markers at the HRC cemetery: contact me lpdATgmail for a part of the list of names (with how many letters you are prepared to mail individually), and a copy of the letter (also below). If you are sharing it with a group, explain it all as clearly as possible, including the context and background and time for discussion and questions, maybe read the letter out for everyone and show an example for filling it in, with enough time and space for the process to happen comfortably and to have people there as supports to engage in whatever people might need to participate - Im thinking like, maybe options for typing/ipads/a typewriter, spelling it out for people who can write but need help with that, larger print versions...? Whatever it is, think about everyone being able to contribute and dont assume or shame the fact that some people do not read and write or feel automatically comfortable adressing something to the government. There can also be options for writing something different with peoples own words, or for requests for a specific known person, friend, family member who is buried there... Oh, and get help with adressing the envelopes and getting stamps -!- when we launched it at Surviving Huronia Tangled Disability+Arts event last night I hadnt thought of them going out individually but apparently they carry more weight if they do! We are open to donations and will share what we get to cover stamps/supplies, so let me know if you might need that. Ok ... here is the letter: (date) Dear Premier Kathleen Wynne, I appreciate that in 2013 your government settled a landmark class action for some former residents of the Huronia Regional Centre, operated from 1876 – 2009. Unfortunately, the settlement was only able to cover a minimum of reparations to the institution cemetery where close to 1500 people are currently buried without any marker whatsoever, or with only a number. Your government is responsible for this cemetery. At some point, government staff removed many gravestones and used them for paving elsewhere in the institution. When the mislaid stones were found, they were not returned where they belonged. This is a tragic reflection of a deep disrespect towards people with disabilities. These burials happened a long time ago, but the pain is still felt. Currently, people trying to piece together the final resting place of a relative find a football field area of unmarked and unexplained burials. Remember Every Name is a group of people who survived the institution and their friends and allies. They are working to see respect restored to the cemetery and the land it is on. I join them in asking you to properly mark the names of people who are buried there. I ask the Ontario government to put a marker in place in the cemetery with full name, and where possible, dates of birth and death for: ________________________________________. (the name of one person who died goes here, from the list of names row by row) Please bring some honour to those who died, so that we can move forward in hopes of healing from this traumatic history. Sincerely, (your signature, printed name, and adress/postal code)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 08:19:03 +0000

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