Update on Nicole: last night she told me I had to go home, she - TopicsExpress


Update on Nicole: last night she told me I had to go home, she didnt need me her with her and she would sleep better if she knew I was at home sleeping and not in the chair/cot thingy. I had been home for about 30 minutes when her sister called me and told me Nicole wanted me back up there 😄 She was real restless through the night, in a lot of pain and very little sleep, myself I got maybe an hour of deep sleep. We are still under isolation, i can leave the room but have to wash up from head to toe before I leave the room 😄 she has to stay in the room and door has to stay closed at all times, only family can come in and see her and no one can see her if they are sick themself. She is getting a little cabin fever, she is not as grumpy this evening, and is resting right now. Earlier her fever spiked a little and her migraine came back, hit her like a ton of bricks, made her so sick, she is trying to be strong, but is real emotional and teary eyes. She is so weak and wobbly on her feet, I am trying to keep her down but she wants to get up and move a round a little and sit in her chair. I was able to take a nap this afternoon and am feeling a little better but I am slowing draining myself and I hate to say it but might be getting sick myself, the doctor knows this and is keeping a eye on me. I am not running a fever nor have a headache, just feeling bluh, and am emotional myself. I have not left the hospital today but have been outside getting some sun therapy and I got to see my mommy when she came up to bring me something. She is not coming in to see Nicole because she does not need to catch this, so I sat outside in her new car she just bought today and visited with her. Seeing her made me feel better. Jeff is on his way up soon and bring me a few things I need and I am going to take a shower so that to should help me feel better I look like crap right now, so I am glad no one can come visit lol 😄 We still do not know when she will be going home, I am sure she just wants her own bed, and her Wiskers. She has been able to eat a little and hold it down, one of the conditions she had to meet before the doctor would even think of releasing her. He stated tonight that he is going to start her on a different pain mediation in the morning that might make her sick at first but should get the pain under control more. I better get off her for a few she is starting to throw her blankets off so she is getting restless again. Thank you everyone for your prayers and kind words...hugs to you all!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 00:17:38 +0000

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