Using Crystal for confidence: Confidence Confidence is - TopicsExpress


Using Crystal for confidence: Confidence Confidence is projected in the way that you act, in the way that you speak and even in the way that you carry yourself. Before any words are spoken confidence can be portrayed through body language unconsciously and create first impressions that cannot be redone. When it comes to confidence, what is it that first comes to mind? There is a direct relationship between energy and confidence. Are you looking for methods that can be used to increase your confidence? Have you been seeking methods that can be used to increase your sense of self worth and the image that you project to others around you? Crystals have the ability to help you find this intrinsic self confidence and learning which crystals can help to increase the confidence as well as learning the methods that can be used to increase the confidence through the energy found within the crystals can help you to claim the confidence that you deserve. Some of the secret crystals that can help you to claim your confidence include: Citrine comes with the ability to increase the positive thoughts that are experienced by the person that is wearing the crystal. Citrine is a powerful choice as it can draw upon the energy within the environment to become charged and therefore does not require charging like other crystals. With the ability to increase optimism and confidence by simply being worn, many people choose citrine as part of their quest to increase their confidence. Something as simple as making use of a citrine pendant on a day when you need a little boost through the self confidence can be a great way to increase the feeling of self worth and excel in a social environment, but meditating with the use of the citrine crystal and focusing on the power found within the crystal can completely change your personality, increasing the optimism and the confidence found within your mind – making you ready for anything. Blue Agate can be a great stone for those with fear of a certain activity or aspect that can bring a lack of confidence. Through the qualities in the energy of the stone that can help to reduce fear and increase the peace with an activity, the person using the stone can experience an inner sense of peace and a reduction in the fear associated with a certain activity. Fear has the ability to tear down confidence and without the fear; the individual will often find that they are able to thrive through certain activities. To increase the confidence while using blue lace agate consider using meditative sessions with the stone before you are about to face the activity or event that is causing you fear and a lack of confidence. Starting the sessions before the fear must be faced can allow the user to build up their confidence slowly through the use of the traditional meditation processes, including holding the stones in the hands and focusing on the power within the stones. As well as using blue agate to increase the confidence through these meditation techniques, it is important to realize the power of the crystal can often be obtained by simply holding the crystal through the time when the strength is needed or a higher sense of confidence is required. A simple act like making the choice of wearing jewelry containing these gems can be a great way to increase the confidence, giving yourself the boost that you need to function well through any situation.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:14:45 +0000

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