Using your Coupons So now that you have clipped your coupons and - TopicsExpress


Using your Coupons So now that you have clipped your coupons and have organized in a way that best fits your needs, its time to utilize them and save money! The first thing you want to do is create a list. I always find it easier to make a list after you look at the sales fliers of your local grocery stores. You can either look online at their website or maybe you have the physical flier, either one is fine. But remember, you are only looking for things that you and your family will use during the week. Just because something is on sale, does not mean you should purchase it. After you take a look at the sales, create your list. The easiest way to make a complete list is the following steps: * Make a list of items you need my meals. (i.e. breakfast foods, then lunch, then dinner) * Compare that list of items to what you may already have in your kitchen * You also can create a menu for the week which would eliminate guessing whats for dinner every night * double check your list to make sure you have everything from food to household necessities After you have completed your list, its time to go to your coupons. Compare you list to all the coupons you have and pull the ones that you will be using for this shopping trip. I always put a star next to the items that are either on sale or that I have a coupon for. This way, if I am at the store, I can compare any un-starred item to store brands to try to save additional money. Once you have your list and coupons, its time to go shopping! I know that it may seem really simple and that maybe you are missing something, but using coupons is not difficult. The basic rule to remember is that they are their to help you save money! And who doesn’t love to save money!! The best way to maximize your savings is to try to coordinate sales items with coupons. This can be done easily because since you already know what is on sale because you checked your sales fliers, no just add any coupons to those sales and TADA, you save more money.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 23:08:52 +0000

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