VEGAN CENTENARIANS – WHERE ARE THEY? VEGAN CENTENARIANS – WHERE ARE THEY? CONCLUSION: The beauty and simplicity of Veganism and Fruitarianism sounds appealing, but .... Of 60,000 centenarians in the United States, there are no vegans or fruitarians Many well-known vegans have died early after battling severe illnesses for years Short-term, raw vegan diets offer enormous benefits in overcoming serious health problems. Long-term, physical and psychological deterioration will almost certainly occur. Vegan Centenarians – Where Are They? by Brian White In recent years, I’ve noticed a growing trend among young people to follow the teachings of vegan ‘gurus’ like David Wolfe, Douglas Graham, Paul Nison and Gabriel Cousens. Many of these followers are obsessed in their dietary beliefs and have unrealistic expectations of ‘living to 100 in a perfect state of health.’ They overlook the fact that most vegan leaders have died prematurely after battling severe illnesses for years. They also fail to produce a single authenticated vegan centenarian to validate their beliefs. While the beauty and simplicity of Veganism and Fruitarianism sounds appealing, there’s just one tiny flaw ….. the vast majority of people who attempt these diets will fail. Eventually, chronic health problems caused by nutritional deficiencies will force them to add animal foods into their diets. Sadly, many misguided health- seekers will ignore this warning and suffer the consequences. How do I know this? Because 30 years of research and experience tells me so. Think about this for a moment; if the utopian claims made about these dietary regimes are genuine, where are all the vegan/fruitarian centenarians?? There are an estimated 60,000 centenarians in the United States, 9,000 in the United Kingdom, and 3,000 here in Australia. Most are meat eaters and a few are vegetarian, but I’ve never heard of any who are vegan or fruitarian. In fact, in one of the world’s longest-running studies of authenticated centenarians ever undertaken, it was found that none of the participants were vegan, fruitarian or even vegetarian! The Okinawa Centenarian Study has been ongoing since 1976 and examined the lives of over 600 centenarians who were living their traditional lifestyle. Their diets included fish, pork, poultry, dairy products and eggs. While I acknowledge they only represent a small percentage of the population, vegan and fruitarian groups have existed for a long time, so they’ve had ample opportunity to establish their longevity bonafides ….. David Wolfe claims, “My mom is from Persia, and in that country they have vegan communities dating back thousands of years. They also have raw-vegan communities with similar traditions.” Then why isn’t every television station in the world reporting on this super-race? After “thousands of years” of dietary and genetic purity, you’d expect to hear of hundreds of fully verified, healthy centenarians living today. Where are they? The Arnold Ehret Health Club has operated in the U.S. since the 1920’s, so there should be plenty of 100 –120 year old fruitarians running around. Yet, when I contacted the club, they admitted they were not aware of any Ehret devotee who has reached 100. It seems that fruitarian centenarians are rarer than Bigfoot! H. Jay Dinshah was the founder and president of the American Vegan Society. Although a vegetarian from birth, then a vegan for 43 years, he died from a heart attack at just 66 years of age. Herbert M. Shelton was the most influential Natural Hygienist of the 20th century. For six decades he preached the superiority of a raw vegan diet of fruits, vegetables and nuts. Did he enjoy a long and vigorous life? No! He was in a declining state of health in his sixties, and was bedridden for the final 13 years of his life due to Parkinson’s disease. He died at just 89. His protégé, T.C. Fry, taught the infallibility of a raw vegan diet for 26 years, yet he died at the ridiculously young age of 70!! However, even more disturbing is the fact that he suffered from numerous health problems long before his death. According to Dr Bernarr Zovluck, a close friend for 30 years, Fry died from coronary embolism. He also had multiple atherosclerotic thrombi of his lower legs, edema, a lesion on his left lung, anemia, high acid blood pH, breathing problems, constipation, osteoporosis, teeth and gum problems, etc. Yes indeed, his vegan/fruitarian diet certainly worked miracles for his health! George R. Clements (AKA Hilton Hotema, AKA Kenyon Klamonti) claimed he became a vegan at 9 years of age after reading a book about health at school. He also claimed he lived as a breatharian-fruitarian for almost 80 years and would “live to be 150 years of age.” He only managed to reach 92. Hereward Carrington, author of The Natural Food of Man, believed that a strict diet of raw fruits and nuts could “sustain man in a perfect state of health”. He died at 78 years of age. Dr O.L.M. Abramowski was a German born doctor who immigrated to Australia in 1884. While working at the Mildura District Hospital, he successfully treated patients with fresh fruit and juices. He wrote several books including Fruitarian Diet and Physical Rejuvenation and thought his diet of raw fruit, nuts and grains would enable him to reach 100 –120 years. He died at 58. Ross Horne, Australia’s most famous raw food author, believed his fruitarian diet was superior to all others. I met Ross in 1983 and corresponded with him periodically over the years. Despite rigidly adhering to his tropical fruit diet for 22 years, he died last year of Prostate Cancer. He was only 79. Ironically, his final book was titled Cancerproof Your Body. Summary: As an 18 year old searching for the secrets of perfect health and long life, I had a voracious appetite for knowledge and devoured every book I could find; from Vilhjalmur Stefansson to Adelle Davis to Arnold Ehret; from carnivorous to omnivorous to frugivorous. Over the past three decades I’ve read hundreds of books and scientific studies relating to diet, nutritional supplements and natural therapies. In addition to experimenting on myself, I’ve also observed the practical, long-term effects various diets have on people. Along the way I’ve encountered charlatans, liars and delusional individuals who make ridiculous and unsubstantiated claims about therapies, diets and products. After 30 years of research, I have no doubts that the foundation of a healthy diet should be fresh, raw, organically grown vegetables and fruits (and their juices), plus sprouts, nuts and seeds. Short-term, raw vegan diets offer enormous benefits in overcoming serious health problems. However, long-term physical and psychological deterioration will almost certainly occur unless animal foods such as eggs, fish or dairy products are consumed. Those who refuse to do this should supplement with B12 (methylcobalamin), folic acid and flax or hemp seeds. Copyright © 2005 Brian White About The Author: Brian White has been researching health related topics for over 30 years and has authored several controversial articles on Diet, Nutritional Supplements and Natural Therapies – using scientific evidence. This article courtesy of wholefooddirectory. FOLLOW-UP: Well-known hygienist Jo Willard, who had a health radio program for many years, died from brain hemorrhage, after being a vegan/fruitarian for over two decades. She went for a 30 day fast at Dr. Scotts place, came down with Alzheimers symptoms after the fast, and died shortly after. One of her favorite foods was a banana wrapped in lettuce. 2007 - Harvey Milstein died from colon cancer (in his sixties), very quickly, shortly after being checked into a hospital. He was the leader of the NH movement in Houston for 20 years, a fruitarian/vegan, after NH helped him get rid of migraines, kidney stones, & more, in 1984. He was a follower of TC Fry. See his story here. 2008 - a young Houston vegan (around 30) also died from cancer - very quickly, within 2 weeks of diagnosis. May, 2008 - A leading member in ANHS, Max Huberman passed away at age 86 following a fall at home, after getting Parkinsons (the same disease Dr. Shelton got before his death). ANHS first advocated a raw vegan diet, which later changed to todays cooked/raw vegan diet with supplements. His son Mark was the lawyer of ANHS for many years, and now is the lawyer of NHA. Max overcame polio in 1950, a health crisis that led him and his wife to embark on a lifestyle of vegetarianism and natural living, a program that ultimately led them to open a health food store in 1958 originally called Natural Health Foods, one of the first in the nation to sell organically grown fruits and vegetables. He was a 55-year member of the National Health Association (ANHS/NHA) and served on its Board of Directors. Youkta, 30 year raw vegan wife of Victor Kulvinskas, M.S., who died a few years ago in Costa Rica of colon cancer associated with other, e.g. emotional, problems. The late Helen Jean Story of California, who created one of the first raw foods newsletter via snail mail before the Internet. She worked hard in her later life publishing this newsletter and arranging gatherings and trips. She died after having a stroke a few years ago. Long term vegan Elder Victor Kulvinskas, M.S., who is now reported to be the father of the modern raw food movement, had two car accidents in the state of Arkansas prior to moving to Costa Rica. The last accident running a stop sign. Victor K. has also had cataract eye surgery a few years ago, and was hospitalized for a hernia operation in 2006 in Little Rock AR. Mrs. Davison, 88 years old, developed heart disease as a raw vegan, and was forced to close the health resort, she had kept for 30 years, in 2005. She lived in Arkansas with her husband, on a Tilley farm where they raised 5 children. She was a 40 year raw eater, and resort director. After a car accident she damaged ribs & collar bone, and died a year later. A South African, 30 year raw fruit eater, Morris Krok, author, died of cancer. His leg was amputated.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:57:25 +0000

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