VERY, VERY IMPORTANT PETITION !!!! FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, ANIMALS AND NATURE!!!! .....WANT PUNISHMENT FOR PERSONS IN GOVERNMENT..... THESE PERSONS ARE ALSO SUPPRESSING ANIMAL RIGHTS AND FRIENDS FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE FOR ANIMALS AND HUMAN BEINGS!!!! THEY ARE ONLY INTERESTED IN MAKING MONEY WITH A VERY BRUTAL INDUSTRY AND VERY BRUTAL SYSTEM!!!!! PLEASE HELP STOP THESE DANGEROUS PERSONS !!!! Translation of petition-text by google-translator: According to Article 4, 15, 53 and 58 of the Rome Statute, I request the inclusion of criminal investigations and the adoption of the arrest warrants against individuals for serious crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court, and in Article 6 a, b, c and 7 a , b, c, e, f, h, j, k are specified. The crimes were said in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) committed in the period following the establishment of the Court (Article 11). This is primarily so-called Hartz IV reforms, which represent a systematic and collective farms smear campaign and gross violation of international law. As a result of these events Miillionen were robbed of their human dignity, their health and their wealth, they were arbitrarily disenfranchised and dispossessed inflicted severe physical and mental suffering, many have been driven to suicide, and provoked to further acts of desperation. The Hartz IV reforms were carried out with systematic violence and accompanied by massive psychological manipulation. The policy guidelines were carried out by an army of sadistic civil servant. The shameless state propaganda practiced illegal brainwashing out to conceal the criminal objectives of this political program: to secure the existing national-socialist system of apartheid and expand in the only part of the population the civil rights and liberties enjoys in full measure, while all other them serve as slaves. or, if they refuse to follow the arbitrary rules established, exposed to the merciless terror, condemned to silence and be deported to the ghetto. In this regimented bureaucratic state is not possible, the right to acquire and to counter the mass happened breach of the law, all attempts to do so are brutal means to prevent, ranging from constitutional injunction on intimidation and threats to punish ungehörsamer and unbeigsamer citizens. In Germany there is no independent and impartial judiciary, no independent reporting in the mass media, no free science, human rights are systematically and massively violated, the contradictory expression is punished with one conceals and denies all these abuses. Full text: Facebook event: facebook/events/385834951497880/
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 14:35:09 +0000

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