[*VIDEO* (REMEMBER THIS ONE FROM YEARS AGO OF TYPICAL COMMUNIST DemocRATS?!] Democrats BOO GOD At Convention -- 0BAMMUNISM, DEATH & DESTRUCTION TO AMERICA AND REAL AMERICANS: Watch how Corrupt & DISGRACEFUL ALL Neo-DemocRATs are in America: To demonstrate their reverence for Big Government as a replacement for the American Founding Principles of God-Given Rights, the 2012 Democratic Platform was intentionally scrubbed of all mention of the word God. The Moral Outrage from the American People shocked these godless statists into scrambling to re-write their platform to give the appearance that Religious Principles are suddenly important to them again. In order to amend their platform, however, they required a two-thirds majority vote from the Delegates present. But the soulless idealouges in attendance did not get the message that the lack of respect for Religious Principles needed to be reversed, for appearance sake at least. So when the Voice Vote was taken, it is clearly audible that they are not getting the necessary two-thirds majority to amend their statist ideals. After repeated votes, and multiple attempts to hint to the moronic horde that they are supposed to vote yea, the motion is finally passed despite obviously not having the required two-thirds approval. The irony of the Democrats displaying Voter Fraud deciding a moral issue AT THEIR OWN CONVENTION is almost funny, if it were not so blatantly and clumsily deceptive. The video of the crowd loudly booing the reinstatement of the word God into their platform is a stark look into the Soul of todays Democratic Party. Yea, Big Government, BOO God.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 13:22:20 +0000

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