VOL.2 KAHELELANI MUSIC FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS My musical tribute to the people of Niihau releases in stores in a few short weeks. 2014 marks the 150th anniversary of the transfer of Ni’ihau from the Hawaiian Kingdom to private hands. At no point during this century and half did it’s people, or the Hawaiian language, falter despite outside interference and influence. My musical tribute for this aina kapu or Forbidden Island is dedicated to the tenacity of it’s people and their genuine embodiment of Aloha. I felt a historical responsibility to deviate from my all-original music format for volume two of the series, KAHELELANI. Being closed off from the other islands had an effect on it’s music over the past 150 years and left the majority of it off limits to outsiders. Nonetheless, a rich wealth of songs, chants and hula were created and passed on for generations solely for the use of island inhabitants. With permission and more importantly, blessings, I was given a unique opportunity to explore the archives of music from several Ni’ihau families. With their guidance, this project came to life, forming a perfect balance of both the old and new. I have added music to a few songs that had none. I have written a few new originals and I have been gifted a few songs to sing. For many of these songs, this is the first time they will be shared with the outside world. Two songs, Kaeo Hula and Nani Niihau were recorded in both short form and as full form oli (chant) versions. This project marks my 10th CD release. More than any of the others, it really enriched and enlightened me both as a person and musician. I am so excited to share a little of what makes Niihau so special with all of you. This project is dedicated to my hanai Mom, Ane Kelley Kanahele.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 18:19:12 +0000

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