Very well stated! The part left out was the redistribution of - TopicsExpress


Very well stated! The part left out was the redistribution of wealth thru Obamacare by attacking the middle-class, and exempting the aristocrats, the ruling elite and political cronies. Obamacare is not about healthcare, its about the control of giving your finance information to the government, and making the threatening middle-class weaker. Please take the time to educate yourselves and read and consider this article>>>>This is not some whacked out conspiracy theory or the rants of a madman. Stick with me for a moment and I think you will begin to understand. Throughout history, most countries have been conquered by others or ruled by an aristocracy. To RULE and CONTROL the population of a country successfully is a two-step process that can be approach with two very different strategies. The first step in either strategy is to minimize the population’s ability to fight back. This can be done by disarming the population, monitoring the areas of potential resistance, and controlling the communications. All of these we have seen efforts towards in recent years. The second step to RULE and CONTROL the population is through violence or dependence. The violent approach leads to a much quicker dominance over the public, but the downfall to such an approach is that it is seldom successful long-term. Violent control tends to promote violent resistance. Dependence is a much slower approach, but the results tend to be long-term or permanent. To establish dependence is fairly simple. You target the needs of specific groups or areas and if necessary, you create a need. As the governing body begins supplying these needs, those receiving the “gifts” become dependent upon the government. Once a firm dependence has been established, the populace has no choice but to comply with the government’s demands or lose those gifts upon which they have become dependent. At this point many of you are probably getting an idea as to where this is leading. For those that haven’t, let me throw out some numbers. Our government has evolved from a gathering of representatives into two very rich and powerful parties battling for control of our nation. Due to the irresponsibility of many, combined with the power and wealth of the party members, the elite or aristocracy of the parties are spending a lifetime unchallenged for their positions within the US Congress. Their decisions are becoming more flagrantly self-serving and their overreach of authority extends further each day. Now let’s look at the DEPENDENCE that has grown: 12.8 Million Americans on Welfare 46.7 Million Americans receiving food stamps 61.8 Million Americans on Medicaid *15.9 Million Additional Americans on Medicaid by 2019 (Obamacare) *17.1 Million Americans will receive Insurance Subsidies (Obamacare) *The government will have increased its control on 33 Million more Americans due to the generation of the ACA (Obamacare) and will have weakened middle-income Americans due to the combination of forced insurance costs and increased taxes to pay for the subsidies and additional Medicaid members. As our population is positioned into becoming more dependent on the government, our freedom and rights slip further away. There is no quick fix and there is no band-aid. This dependence on the government has spread like a cancer, slowly growing over time, and if left unchecked, will be the death of our nation. The first step necessary to recover is to break the backbone of the entrenched parties in Congress. Seniority equals power in Congress. We MUST eliminate the most powerful and the means to do so has been provided. Our forefathers thought this might happen, having already fought against a similar Aristocracy. They left us an option in Article 5 to bypass the US Congress and amend the Constitution without their involvement. We MUST use this option to impose TERM LIMITS on the US Congress. It won’t be easy and it will be an uphill battle, but it is the ONLY ANSWER. It is only by eliminating the most powerful that we can open the door to returning our government to a gathering of representatives rather than the wealthy, self-serving Aristocracy that they have become.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 15:24:10 +0000

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