Very wise words besides from the religion and the book he chose to - TopicsExpress


Very wise words besides from the religion and the book he chose to follow.. his choice.. but in my heart I believe earth is an object that is irrelevant.. a book that describes the earth more then the Lord I just cant understand.. people worshiping objects more then they worship their creator.. and if a book is so easily read and understood so easily why would our creator make it so easy for us and why would he allow murder and desteuction??... the bible may be scipted in many different words but it still always has the same meanings. Our minds all work in different ways so the way we read the bible through our Lord is the way he wishes us to comprehend it, this is when we are being tested to know right from wrong but to follow a book with almost written instructions how can anyone know the differnce between good and evil. We are not clones to think and do exactly as everyone else.. we are our creators perfect creation.. so the bible is read in many differnet ways for our creator to be able to speak to us through it individually, we are all different and we all have a purpose the only one who can truely understand your mind is your creator no matter how much you explain it to another individual they will never understand because that message is for you and you only.. you can read the bible over and over again and you will always comprehend it different that is the Lord mending your heart to be good.. Reading the Lords words and believening him will help you on your journey to your path he wants you to walk down for him. The Lord I know is not selfish to make a human forget their heart and soul and make destruction.. the Lord I know makes the human heart strong with love and compassion and the human soul good and peaceful.. I believe in Jesus Christ for he did die on the cross for our sins.. we are all sinners and thanks to our Lord and Saviour we are now capable of entering heaven.. we have been given the gift of choice.. so choose wisely and think if we do have another life waiting for us where would I go, what would I be and who would I follow for my destiny. If you really think this is the one life we are given and we just die in a whole and nothing else.. I feel sad to think how much people can give up hope and faith so easily on not only the world but themsleves.. we are worth more!! Love my Lord and Saviour!! Love my God!! Love my Jesus!! #christianity You dont have to lable yourself as christian but as long as you believe jesus died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected from the dead.. I mean really belive it.. you will be okay.. if you believe it you wont get micro chipped because you know the truth if you believe it you will try to better yourself for the Lord who sacrafice his one and only son for YOU!! Anyways love the heart my Lord has given me and the mineset to change the world!!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 14:39:09 +0000

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