Via Were IN! 100% ALL IN! Shameful. This story highlights the - TopicsExpress


Via Were IN! 100% ALL IN! Shameful. This story highlights the major failure of the left. Democrats have not defined the agenda or narrated the story. This capitulation creates a void of reason such that absurdities like McConnells claim can take hold without everybody doubling over in laughter. Like frightened children Democrats run from Obamas record, as defined by the right, rather than championing his amazing successes as defined by fact. Much to the credit of the Republican political machine, and with equal shame to the Democrats, the far right has been able to convince the public that everything bad is Obamas fault, but that Obama is responsible for nothing that is good. When that does not work, they create the illusion that what is good is bad; health care comes to mind. Democrats have ceded the territory of reality to Republican fantasy. Need a specific example? The media of late have been touting the story of Obamas dropping approval ratings noting that his approval ratings have plunged to record lows and have plummeted and are sinking to historic lows. Only one problem with this narrative: it is factually and demonstrably false. Here is the verifiable truth: from January 1, 2014 to October 30, 2014, Obamas approval rating fell from 42.6 percent to 42 percent. The years peak was 44 percent, and the low of the year was 41 percent. A drop of about one-half of one percent does not constitute numbers that are plummeting or sinking or even dropping. Yet many Democrats sat by and let this nonsense flow forth with no fight. •S• m.huffpost/us/entry/6099752
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 13:23:43 +0000

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