Vickyleaks: Below is the full transcript of the Deputy - TopicsExpress


Vickyleaks: Below is the full transcript of the Deputy Communications Minister, Victoria Hammer’s leaked tape which went viral and caused her dismissal. Unknown Lady: On radio today they called her (Rachels) Chief; the Chief of her place. Is it Daily Guide? So, they were discussing it on Okay FM. And they placed a call to one of their Chiefs. He said (inaudible voice) they wont sit there. Their royal has come to tell them that shes not happy and does not have an office. UNKNOWN LADY: And I said; so, this girl is so foolish to this extent that she can go to the Chiefs and tell them what goes on in the Ministry. That they wont sit down for Nana Oye Lithur to mistreat their royal. UNKNOWN LADY: (Inaudible voice) then, she should resign. They wont allow it. Oh! So, Kwame Nkrumah ask him that Nana, I plead with you, please have you also gone to ask Maame Oye Lithur regarding the seeming bad blood between her and your royal. And is it true that she has said that she will beat her? He said they have done [their] investigations to know that shes not on good terms with her. From day one, she doesnt like her. So, theyve told the President to reshuffle her or else, anything could happen to their royal in the morning. UNKNOWN LADY: And I said; this girl, youve gone to this extent. Every day, they discuss her issue on radio (inaudible voice). Leave her. Do your part, youre doing your best to help her out but if she wont give a care, stop it. Every day, your name is in the papers. Every day, they’re discussing your issue. Its very bad. So, you cannot find any elderly person or party member to resolve the issue. Journalists have taken charge of it and now, youve also sent it to your hometown for your Chiefs to keep up with the issue (inaudible voice). She doesnt understand politics. She thinks maybe because shes a Minister, they cannot fire her. VIC: She said she is unperturbed even if she is sacked from office. And I said (inaudible voice), youll lose your prestige. Rachel is dull but 1 am very intelligent. UNKNOWN LADY: (Inaudible voice), she was not articulate during her vetting. It was in the papers that she wasnt expressive. When she was vetted, she couldnt talk. Let her be in her comer and be her MP. (Inaudible voice), maybe she doesnt know that when she is sacked, it wont affect her prestige. VIC: She said they should re-assign her. The President should reshuffle her and send her where? So, when she is dismissed, she will rest in the house. UNKNOWN LADY: As you said, Nana Oye was her Nana Oye before she got a Ministerial appointment. Who doesnt know Nana Oye? Both international and local, we know her. (Indistinct voice) VIC: And her husband is no mean person than Tony Lithur; Presidents lawyer (laughs amidst indistinct voice). UNKNOWN LADY: It appears she did not think about it well. There are some people you dont court trouble for yourself with. Ladies are like that. Anywhere, three ladies meet, there is trouble. You were very lucky to have been sent to a place where a male is the head. If it were to be a lady or an office for two ladies (incomplete voice) VIC: (Inaudible voice). Me, Multi TV; what didnt I see at Multi TV? UNKNOWN LADY: Ladies lack character. Rachel, as you said, she is arrogant. Because no matter what, Nana Oye Lithur is ilder than you and is also your boss. So, in my case, you have to know how to (inaudible oice), just do what youre told to do. Yes boss, yes boss (inaudible boss), will she also control you in your house too? (Inaudible voice), every day, when they are discussing you on radio. She should be careful. Her household should advice her. They should have talked to her a lot. she went to tell them a different thing. UNKNOWN LADY: They asked him that Nana (chief of Gomoa), are you not sure that your royal (Rachel) has massaged her side of the story? But have you gone to the mother shes working with to ask her about the issue? They said, no. (Inaudible voice) One person has told her part of the story to you and you wont go and ask the other party about what really transpired. Because she is your royal, she has said this nicely. But maybe, she is the one to be blamed and doesnt want to accept it. And maybe because she wants to denigrate the woman, thats why it is out. VIC: Rachel; Anita Owusu told me that Rachel is very ambitious (inaudible voice). You cant fight your Minister and you want to be friends with me. Does Tony Lithur not have clout for Oye to be my enemy? , UNKNOWN LADY: She will be your enemy forever. Just stay away from her. Let her go. VIC: Oh, I have stayed away forever. UNKNOWN LADY: When she calls to find out how youre faring; oh, youre busy. So, youll call her back. Thats all. VIC: This Rachel who was even stuttering during vetting. (Inaudible voice) UNKNOWN LADY: She should humble herself. She said she will disgrace Nana Oye Lithur. And I said, what can you do to disgrace her? VIC: Who? UNKNOWN LADY: Rachel VIC: Where did she say it? UNKNOWN LADY: They said it in the papers; that she will disgrace her. And I said, youll disgrace her but what do you know about her? For how long have you worked with her? And what has she done that you want to discredit her. If you dare scandalize her, then, youve also brought shame on yourself. This Rachel is very bold. VIC: You, Rachel, have become born one. Oye Lithur is (inaudible expression) married. UNKNOWN LADY: So, why do you want to di. sgrace her? VIC: She said its affecting her relationship. And I said; its your fault. Even the fiance she Wants to marry will jilt her. As soon as she loses her ministerial appointment, her boyfriend will ditch her. Is that how you do things? Oye Lithur didnt go public, you did. UNKNOWN LADY: Yes, she will let it out. Yet, youre her subordinate. She should be careful. If her family wont tell her, just leave her life for her. In politics, each one for himself... (Inaudible voice) VIC: Everybody has their way of doing things. You, Sena, have your own way. I say she will be alone. The President wont speak on this matter (inaudible voice). Now, you cant go to Oye Lithurs place. You will still be a deputy in that office but Oye wont delegate any responsibility to you. UNKNOWN LADY: Then, youll just stay there. VIC: Youre just there. UNKNOWN LADY: When you close, you pick your bag and go. Your boss, how can you be at loggerheads with her? VIC; Why cant you Rachel just humble yourself at in this world youre in? UNKNOWN LADY: Or she is from an affluent family, right? VIC: What money? (Inaudble voice). So you were not there at first. Her father is very wretched. UNKNOWN LADY: She wont think about him. Nana Oye Lithurs educational background, youve not even attained a quarter. VIC: When she calls me, I dont pick up again (inaudble voice). I cannot walk with you. UNKNOWN LADY: Yes, it will affect you. VIC; It will affect me. UNKNOWN LADY: As for that just think about yourself. If everybody in their Ministry were to bring their boss issue out, will it be proper? VIC: Recently, what Omane (Boamah, Minster of Communications) did to me? And I said you think nobody (inaudible voice). UNKNOWN LADY: You think nobody has a problem. Everybody has a problem but everybody has decided to be quiet. VIC: What Omane (Boamah) did to me; I went to him for money but as for me, I can live with it. He is a Minister, so, its his time. UNKNOWN LADY: You shut up. VIC: Thats his time. UNKNOWN LADY: You too, your time will come. VIC: Your time will come. UNKNOWN LADY: So, just submit to him. VIC: (Inaudible voice) Nana (inaudible voice) has grown wings. I was shocked when she said that. UNKWOWN LADY: You say your boss has grown wings. In any case, were you the one who watched her wings? VIC: When she said that I was so shocked. (Inaudible voice), Nana Oye has grown wings. UNKNOWN LADY: But how well does she know her for her to say she (Oye Lithur) has grown wings? If its somebody you cater for then you can say shes grown wings. VIC: When God takes away wisdom from you? The spirit of humility! (Inaudible name), tells me that I should always be humble. Be humble every day. If you humble yourself, the person gives you everything. Omane (Boamah), for instance, gives me everything. He gives me everything. UNKNOWN LADY: When you work wholeheartedly, he will give you the work. If he has money, he will give you. VIC: I mean sometimes you go wrong. I told Rachel that sometimes if I err, I write a note (email) apologizing to Omane Boamah. You cant do this to your boss. UNKNOWN LADY: So, every time, he likes you. I think lack of humility is her problem. VIC: Rachels problem is humility. It won’t take long, it will destroy her (inaudible voice). UNKNOWN LADY: That too, if you dont have, it will destroy your life. VIC: I tell you Rachel is arrogant. We attended a funeral rite. Hon. Collins Daudas wife came but couldnt find a place to sit down. So, I stood up and offered her my seat but Rachel told me to sit down. And I said Collins Daudas wife, even if Im older than her, shes my Minister wife because shes equal to her husband. And I said, Rachel, youre not humble at all. UNKNOWN LADY: Just consider the fact that if it was an elderly woman, so, you wouldnt give up your seat for her? VIC: Oh, shes a young girl. Not that shes an elderly woman; your Ministers wife? When we went to the funeral in Kumasi, as Omanes wife was seated; I was standing beside her when Omane was not around till Omane came. UNKNOWN LADY: So, that is how it should be. Thus, you are always in the persons good books. Then, that Rachel has a problem. VIC: You show submission and love to them. UNKNOWN LADY: She has a problem. VIC: Why, is Omanes wife a kid? Will she lose her way? She wont get lost but thats your Ministers wife. Rachel will never serve her Ministers wife. Me, I can serve Omanes wife. You wont humble yourself at all in this world. I dont want to see her face again in my life. UNKNOWN LADY: But shes not beautiful too. VIC: Oh, wheres Rachels beauty? Paul (inaudible name) said oh, no, shes beautiful. And I said; why, Paul, this is UNKNOWN LADY: Oye Lithur, can something move her? Even when Ghanaians vilified her that the President should not give her a position, it didnt even ruffle her. VIC: As forme) I dont want to get close to Rachel at all. UNKNOWN LADY: Let her be. Shes averse to good counsel. VIC: She doesnt listen. UNKNOWN LADY: So, leave her to live her life. VIC: I will say that (inaudible voice) Rachel, the way youre becoming unpopular with (inaudible voice); I want to stay away from you for a while. Because youre my friend; Oye too is my friend. Oye was my friend before I got to know you. You must always join the bigger side. You’re throwing pebbles against a giant. VIC: Do you know that some people of Akan descent rained insults on me because of Rachel? Afia Pokuaa. (Inaudible voice) UNKNOWN LADY: I see; that Afia Pokuaa. VIC: Afia Pokuaa can insult me? (Speaking inaudibly) VIC: Do you recall when we were going for the vetting, Rachel called me and I gave her a few lessons? VIC: And she was also saying, in the morning, you will also be vetted yet you have time for someone. I gave Rachel some guidelines. (Inaudible interaction) She said; shes an MP. She said; she wants to link me up with a male partner. (Inaudible expression amidst car horns) Can you get me a boyfriend? You, with this ugly face? UNKNOWN LADY: Does she know your taste in men? VIC: Such ugly face. UNKNOWN LADY: Why didnt you tell her that if you were really in need of a male partner, you would have about 2000 men at your beck and call? VIC: She doesnt even know. UNKNOWN LADY: Youre just not ready. If the two of you are to go soliciting for men, who would someone prefer first? VIC: Dont mind her. UNKNOWN LADY: She has a huge problem. (Indistinct interaction) VIC: So, Oye is bad (inaudible voice). But there are two of you at the ministry, why is that you think she hates you? If shes such a bad person, Sena is the more beautiful one, has a great body and well-endowed at the hips; why does she not hate Sena? But you, with this ugly face; you think she detests you? Its your character. Everybody knows if Oye will fight with someone,,then, probably it should be with Sena not you. VIC: Why should she be at war with the Minister? Whats the point? People and ambition. People do not just buy their time.” VIC: She thinks Oye Lithur is not giving her chance to shine. But take a look at the constitution okay? Theres no role for [Deputy], Actually, Deputy position is not in the constitution. Theres no defined role. Everything about the Minister; the performance contract between the President is with the Minister. VIC: That Rachel (inaudible voice). I told her. You say Oye, how can you fight OyeLithur? (Inaudible voice) If she just decide to lower her ego. I mean I told her that in the constitution, Oye can even decide (car noise). (Inaudible voice) so, the real appointment is the Minister appointment. Deputy is to support the Minister (inaudible voice) and she says that none of his people have become Minister before. I said, listen to me; the constitution also says that President may appoint Ministers. The only portfolio thats defined by the constitution is the Attorney General. VIC: So, the point is that a lot of us, young people, arc ambitious and meanwhile they dont read. And they are not politically astute. Before you fire any ammunition, you must see whether your opponent has more than what you have. You have no pedigree; no pedigree. [You dont have a father] Your father is a Chairman in the NPP. One of the constituency Chairmen in NPP, then, you want to fight a woman that her appointment elicited attack from the church including Presby Church. But yet, the President-went ahead to confirm her. VIC: You must look at the way you are appointed first; the consideration of the appointment before. Rachel appears to be holier than thou but shes deadly. Me, I know her. She appears to be decent in public. Thats the public perception about her. I cannot do half what she does. She has dated men in the party. Ive not dated anybody in the party but people think Im rather dating people in the party. So, that look helps her in the public, Oye has bad public image. VIC: But here in Ghana, public propriety is not important. Anane; Kufour left Ananes post for Anane to return and have it back. What did Ghanaians not say? You understand. So, the person is in office, the President is in office. Now, you can find a journalist saying that, well, the President has no discretion. The President can even decide not to have Ministers, you understand, but he cannot decide not to have an Attorney General. So, you must measure all these variables.” VIC: Tony Lithur has been the friend of the Rawlingses, been a friend to the President John, now and his wife. I learnt even before even the verdict, Nana was with the Justices and all that. You dont know the role she has played for us to win the court case. Then, you. want to use your unintelligence to overthrow her. Yeah. VIC: No, there were no two Deputy Ministers at the Gender before (inaudible voice). Theyre institutional constraints. When you come to my office, my AC has broken down and then, my Secretaries have AC. You understand what Im saying. Now, these are not issues that come to the public domain. The woman says that go to Social Welfare, write a memo to me; let them put that together for you. So, she has given you that role. She gave you Social Welfare. She gave Sena, Children and something something. You understand. VIC: Now, Oye Lithur also is not the one to find an office for you. Its the Chief Director. Now, you are using the structures there to go against Oye Lithur. Oye Lithur issued one statement which made you appear that you arc unintelligent. I asked her: Rachel, you and Oye Lithur; who does the Ghanaian public believe is unintelligent? She says her. I said yes. I said not just you. You, Sena and myself; Ghanaian public think we are unintelligent. So, you cannot fight your boss. She will use that cleverness against you. VIC: The woman issued a statement. They said, oh law law. Theyre using law. Things were not done appropriately and quoting some sections of the law. And then, almost stating her credentials that she has an LLM, LLB, LB, LM. She has that credibility. And Oye Lithur is an institution. Oyc Lithur was Oye Lithur before she entered into politics. The three of us, i, you and Sena; it is politics that has given us, I, you and Sena; it is politcs that has given us a name. We still dont even have root, proper roots yet. And I said: that Rachel, who are the strong alliances you have? return and have it back. What did Ghanaians not say? You understand. So, the person is in office, the President is in office. Now, you can find a journalist saying that, well, the President has no discretion. The President can even decide not to have Ministers, you understand, but he cannot decide not to have an Attorney General. So, you must measure all these variables.” VIC: Tony Lithur and John Mahama, theyve got an alliance. They are allies, you understand. They defend each other. Rachel, who do you have? And I heard that she may be actually sad (inaudible voice). I said why, people listen to people who did not influence their appointment. If anything at all, go to the first lady and say to the first lady. To be continued.Victoria Hammah: Read full transcript of the secret recording
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:46:05 +0000

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