Victims dont have a rights or do they. Or is it just the case - TopicsExpress


Victims dont have a rights or do they. Or is it just the case that we are denied our rights by our own British goverment. What this really needs is for this British goverment to stand up for its own UK citizens. Because at the moment when you go abroad if you lose your money or passport or even brake your leg then your coved by insurance or E1.11 Other services your entitled to while your your abroad is help from the British Embassy because your still classed as a british subject . However if you become a victim of serious crime abroad then everthing goes pear shape encluding your human rights. As you land up in having to fight for justice and going through costly court cases on your own etc . Then comes the next blow as you are told by that same british government that you are now some other countries problem . Because the crime did not happen here in the UK but abroad your on your own. How can this outrages treatment of British subjects be allowed to happen. We are classed as british when we book and pay for our holidays abroad and when we get vetted to get our UK passports.Because without it we would not be able to travel out of the UK or get back in without that document. We are still british when we arrive in that foreign country for holidays etc. But not british enouth when we become victims of serious crime abroad ? This country sends billions of pounds each year in foreign aid to support other countries victims. But this government leaves its own victims effected by crime on there own abroad knowing they will stuggle having to pay out of there own pockets for court cases, travel cost, hotel cost, sometimes hospital care, lawyers , interpreters ,etc . They known full well what difficulties victims and there families face in the aftermath of that crime abroad because I have been telling them for years. In most cases trying to get round a UK justice system would need a miracle. but abroad on top of that you would need lots of money to get your justice voice heard if at all . Please support all victims and there families effected by serious crime abroad by highlighting it to everyone you know. As just in some hope that this out of touch government has a new years resolution and decides to put a new agenda in there Christmas hat for 2015 to start supporting its own. Or have I been reading to many Christmas cracker jokes ?
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 14:42:32 +0000

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