Video - Well said Young man! Well said! I would like to add - TopicsExpress


Video - Well said Young man! Well said! I would like to add this, to the video you just watched: Question: Are white police officer the biggest issue in the lives of African Americans? If every single white police officer quit their jobs and they all became something else, perhaps they all took up gardening. Would this change African Americans lives in a positive way? (Bureau of Statistics) Would this change 80% of African Americans being born to into a single parent homes? Would this change 90% of Black on Black murders and Black on Black crime? Would the 47% of Black high school students who dropout form school change? The left-wing drumbeat about America as racist is a combination of politics and black memory. The political aspect is this: The Democrats and the left recognize that if blacks cease viewing themselves as victims of racism, the Democratic Party can no longer offer itself as black America’s savior. And if only one out of three black Americans ceases to regard himself as a victim of racism, and votes accordingly, it will be very difficult for Democrats to win any national election. The other issue is black memory. Apparently, a lot blacks either cannot or refuse to believe that the vast majority of whites are no longer racist. Most Americans were hopeful that the election of a black president — thereby making America the first white society in history to choose a black leader — would finally put to rest the myth of a racist America. More than six years later it seems not to have accomplished a thing. I now suspect that if the president, the vice-president, the entire cabinet, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and all nine justices on the Supreme Court were black, it would have no impact on blacks who believe America is a racist society — or on the left-wing depiction of America as racist. One can only conclude that the smearing of America’s good name is one of the things at which the left has been most proficient. It’s past time we get over this idiocy. And it’s past time that we start punishing those who would pit us against each other on the basis of our ancestry. Thank You, Mike Foster
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:19:14 +0000

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