Vince Cable calls for absurd immigration limits to be - TopicsExpress


Vince Cable calls for absurd immigration limits to be lifted VINCE Cable infuriated Tory MPs yesterday by denouncing the Home Offices attempt to limit immigration as absurd. The Business Secretary used his speech at the Lib Dem conference in Glasgow to call for border controls to be loosened to allow more newcomers to come to the UK. And in the latest evidence of worsening relations between the two coalition parties, he accused the Tories of peddling panic, prejudice and pessimism on the issue. His attack was last night understood to have irritated Tory Home Secretary Theresa May, who is seeking to reduce annual net migration to the tens of thousands. One Tory backbencher last night branded the Lib Dems out of touch. In his keynote conference speech, Mr Cable argued that Britain needed more skilled migrants to compete in the economic global race. He told Lib Dem delegates: We need a well-educated, well-trained population that is adaptable, creative and outward looking. Convincing voters of the need for more immigration was not politically easy, Mr Cable admitted. Many voters feel financially squeezed and insecure and want governments to look after their own resulting in defensive, inward looking policies. The politics of identity is on the march in many parts of the world, he said. Our party has a massive responsibility: to be the voice of sanity, seriousness and sense; standing up to the purveyors of panic, prejudice and pessimism. The Tories were trying to sound tough on immigration to stop their former supporters switching to the UK Independence Party, the Business Secretary said. He claimed the Tories were panicking about this Thursdays by-election in Clacton, which former Tory MP Douglas Carswell is expected to win as a Ukip candidate. The Tories for their part are horribly torn between open economic liberalism and their inward looking, UKIP-facing grassroots, who probably see Clacton-on-Sea as the new Constantinople, holding out against the alien hordes. He said the Tories were trying to close the borders to skills and talents that Britain needs, by pursuing an absurd net migration target, plucked out of the air and totally unenforceable. He added: Our responsibility as Liberal Democrats is to tell the uncomfortable truth: that the vast majority of migrants coming to the UK from inside or outside the EU have brought tangible benefits to the economy, importing valuable skills and strengthening our civic culture. Of course immigration does have to be controlled at the point of entry and exit. And we must deal with abuse and crack down on benefit tourism but not at the expense of the EU single market, and its free movement of workers. Last night, Tory MP Nigel Mills said: This shows just how out of touch Vince Cable and the Lib Dems are with the concerns of ordinary people up and down the country. To call us purveyors of panic and prejudice is just ridiculous. We are trying to get a sensible immigration policy that lets in people with the skills we need but does not lead to our own people having their wages undercut. For a business secretary, he does not seem to have any understanding of the needs of our labour market.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 07:25:15 +0000

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