Virginia and I watched American Sniper tonight. It was a great - TopicsExpress


Virginia and I watched American Sniper tonight. It was a great movie, one of the best ever directed by Clint Eastwood. There have been a few movies comparable over the last few years; The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty and Argo to name a few. Of those mentioned it is in their class for sure. I am not going to debate which was better, they were all so different. American Sniper holds its own and is most similar to the Hurt Locker (except The Hurt Locker was fiction, only based on accounts). Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller were both amazing. I can’t imagine anyone else playing their parts. I am not for sure why anyone would say the movie glorifies war. It doesn’t. What is does do, is shows the damage war does, if you get home in one piece or not. Like The Hurt Locker, it shows the pull to protect your brothers in arms and how soldiers become more comfortable in the war zone than they are at home. All of the main characters are multi-dimensional human beings with their strengths and weaknesses. Chris Kyle (in real life and the one portrayed in the movie) was an amazing person, but he wasn’t perfect. Just like all the rest of us.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 00:47:58 +0000

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