Vote No. Keep Scotland part of a strong British government. Vote - TopicsExpress


Vote No. Keep Scotland part of a strong British government. Vote No. Scotland would not control its own currency in an independent Scotland. Vote No. Keep Scotland protected with the best armed forces by remaining part of Great Britain. Vote No. Be proud of the great work our armed forces do for helpless people throughout the world. Vote No. The yes campaigns oil figures are wrong and even if they were correct, oil profit is a fraction of the finance we would need to run the country. Vote No. Scotland would struggle to cope with our share of the national debt. Vote No. Yes have lied about the NHS. Voting no protects the NHS. Vote No. Independence means a weakened country with higher prices and higher interest rates. Remaining in the UK means more jobs, better business and security. There are bad points about Westminster. Overpaid politicians with big cars, houses and pensions but if you think this will change with independence think again. All I have read on social media for voting yes has been lies, over exaggerations and people not looking at the bigger picture. The bluebook they put out is a disgrace. Do not believe their lies. Make a strong decision, make the right decision, VOTE NO!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:23:19 +0000

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