Voting Republican? Wanting to (in the words of Nomi Prins) - TopicsExpress


Voting Republican? Wanting to (in the words of Nomi Prins) live in a country where the majority of the population reaps the majority of the benefits for their hard work, creative ingenuity, and collaborative efforts; a country run as a democracy, from the bottom up, not a plutocracy from the top down.. is neither socialist or contrary to the wishes of the founding fathers. Neither are such desires idealistic or unattainable. In the extreme, it may sound like the stuff of some revolutionarys rhetoric in some banana republic, but lets face it if youre an average person, not to the manor born or in possession of more cash than god, it sounds pretty good. Thats precisely why I am a Democrat; the other guys dont even come close to believing in such things. To them, the average person is little more than a consumer whose opinion can be manipulated with the right mix of money and spin. They think their contrived corporate personhood puts them on the same level as real people. They think that artificial people are entitled to the same (if not more) rights as real people but as Ive said countless times, bleeding red ink is not anywhere near the loss of read blood that real people endure. For us, All War, All the Time means that it will be our sons and daughters, fathers and brothers who will be cut down and sacrificed; what will the corporate person endure, a loss of share price? What manner of judges on the Supreme Court could have ever conceived that, as Romney put it: corporations are people too. What soldier aboard a transport headed to the Normandy beach would have imagined such perversity; that his life was to be sacrificed, not for mom and apple pie but for a entities created and conceived in an orgy of profit making? And would, I ponder, those same servicemen of the Greatest Generation have ever imagined that the evil of fascism would, a generation later reappear, not in some foreign land but back home, in the Heartland amid the amber waves, and in the Bible Belt? Would they have believed that the country of a few decades ago , the core and essence of what Norman Rockwell painted, of what Frank Capra captured on film would be dismissed and discarded as sentimental populist hokum ? A few tawdry men and families, perhaps immersed in a plantation mentality believe that they, and only they, are entitled to rule, entitled to decide and decide the scheme of things. This is the liet motif of those drunk with wealth and abundance. They promulgate their superiority and the idea that they are the new custodians of gods will; they, have been accorded a divine right . Wealth is a sign of their divine approval and contort mainstream religious beliefs to this theology. The larger drama demands they purchase power, and the texture of the age, propaganda and spin, which worked so well for their predecessors, is their vehicle of deception. BP Oil, a company whose dismal record of concern for the planet, its inhabitants or even its own personnel is touted on TV as a job creator and socially responsible. Their disingenuous TV ads dont show their disdain and contempt for the Obama Administration forcing them to take action. Comes now the Koch Bros ads as job creators a fiction that rivals Leni Riefenstahs Triumph of the Will. Not since the people of Germany where hoodwinked by Nazi propaganda in the thirties; not since Joseph Goebbels have we seen the likes of the Limbaughs, the Hannitys. Not since the racist drivel of anti-Semitism permeated the airwaves in Germany have we seen the racist lies and disparagement that now floods us on Fox News, conservative talk radio and theocratic Christian Radio. Trying to wrap your head around the philosophy, claims and ideas, of the New Republican party is like trying to wrap your penis around a cactus. It also demonstrates which head you are using to do your thinking. To believe that having no ideas how to solve the myriad number of issues facing us; tearing at and undermining the social contract between the country and its citizenry; distorting facts to fashion conspiratorial McCarthy like invective; eliminating agencies that stand in the way of corporate people killing real people, maintaining a dysfunctional government, and doing everything possible to keep the country from getting out of the economic mess the Republicans created is what Americans want, then you must have just escaped the asylum. To vote for the party of no is to hasten the arrival of fascism; today they suppress voters likely to vote for their opposition; what follows are laws not unlike the Nazi Nuremburg Race Laws that will decree whether youre a real American or a real Christian and whether you can participate in civic life. They have bought judges and politicians but even they do not have enough money to destroy democracy and take over the governing of the nation. They dont want to take back the country they want to simply take it ---away from you and me. Sticking a cross into a pile of excrement does not make it a holy hill, nor change its essence. Covering a pile of poop with the flag like Sir Walter Riley only invites you to step on it. Remember when you vote which party refuses to even talk about a decent minimum wage, wants to replace Medicare and Medicaid with vouchers to Walmart and Sams Club. Recall who didnt give a shit if your family starved or you couldnt pay your bills and refused you unemployment benefits and who shut down the government to ensure that many remain uninsured. Mark me well, if they take us down the road they want the inevitable destination is the loss of the freedom that you think they are defending.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 20:48:47 +0000

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