W hile Freemasonry is based in secrecy and symbolism, the Gospel - TopicsExpress


W hile Freemasonry is based in secrecy and symbolism, the Gospel of Jesus Christ represents transparency in worship, and the complete inclusion in the faith. Whereas the Christian faith requires that a believer openly confess that Jesus is Lord, the Freemason avoids openly professing Christ as Lord while referring to the head of the lodge as “Master.” Freemasonry is not a Christian organization, nor is it an organization primarily composed of Christians. There are Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and even Agnostics who are Masons. Freemasons opt to refer to God as Great Architect of the Universe, (GAOTU). In titling God as GAOTU it allows others who don’t believe in the God of the Bible to join together in a universal prayer. This is the equivalent of a believer in Hindu and a follower of Islam trying to pray together without offending each other. The Preacher Bureau pressed a high ranking Mason (who asked to remain anonymous) about the issue of Christian Pastors praying to GAOTU, listed below was his reply. “ The GAOTU is an embodiment of whoever an individual mason’s God is. For me, the GAOTU is God, for a Muslim, it would be Allah. The purpose of the GAOTU is so that no mason’s individual God is left out of the lodge. IF YOU CANT SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THIS ORGANIZATION, THEN SOMETHING BAD IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 13:38:13 +0000

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