WAJIR COUNTY IN IGNOMINIOUS STATE: on 4th march 2013, Kenyans - TopicsExpress


WAJIR COUNTY IN IGNOMINIOUS STATE: on 4th march 2013, Kenyans from all walks of life trooped to the polling centers to exercise their democratic constitutional rights of electing leaders of their choice, the case scenario was not different in the vast arid county of wajir that host the predominantly tall and stubborn somali ethnic community,when potential voters who meet the constitutional threshold of voting turned out in masses to consciously pick for change and vote against corruption, misappropriation of funds,negative clanism, retrogressive political underlines,old fashioned ideas and unproductive leadership, to sum them up call it a deeply manifested cultural impunity that highly called for extinct and termination. voters drawn from the vast geographical scope of wajir south to the blessed and mountainous region of wajir North spoke the same emotional political campaign language. change was what they could utter and recall in all their hypocritical and sincere confessions behind their conventional secret walls of the fraudulent politics.One AHMED ABDULLAHI JIIR was lucky to have won the moving hearts and minds of many wajirians through the power influence of his manifesto,overrated and well crafted socioeconomic policies that many thought would finally bring a result oriented and desired development, to many it was a dream that finally come true and hoped with high aspirations that there was light at the end of the tunnel when jiir emerged victorious of the hotly contested gubernatorial race in the just concluded general election.barely 7 months after assumption of office the reverse is coming to be the truth, when he failed to honestly work towards implementing sustainable economic policies and contravened mandatory legal requirements to set-up pace for development agenda, a classical case is that a successful economic development strategy most focus on improving the skills of the areas workforce and reducing the cost of doing business and making available the resources business needs to compete and to giant thrive. Growth and development is the highest calling of his leadership. Wajir county has over 70% of its total population as youths, who are currently under economic siege and starvation vulnerable to tattered life with no or very little hopes in the near future. The rate of substance and drug abuse is escalating extremely at unimaginable height of no return in the county, its crystal clear prediction that soon crime waves will increase beyond intervention due to the growing menace of drug addiction caused by high rate of unemployment opportunities in the county. The county government has not forth mentioned any iota of development oriented plans to sufficiently address this perennial hurdles within the youthful fraternity .Billions of kshs from the central government is draining down to waste and ending into individual pockets with the help approval of a technically assembled team of county assembly members, who have turned to be the puppets of the county administration. Wajir county Government released a budget estimate of 6.8 billion kshs, they proposed 3.8B for development expenditure and 3.2B for recurrent expenditure but constituted a very skewed formula for lining up priority issues and distribution of resources to different agencies of development in the county. Wajir county youths are voicing their concerns to the county government to push for recognition and participation for the well being of the county.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:42:51 +0000

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