WARNING: SIN IS A DANGEROUS THING, BE CAREFUL OF THOSE WHO MAKE IT ACCEPTABLE… Sin is sin, no matter how you dress it up, make it fashionable and change its name, It’s still sin. You can make it acceptable and trendy but it is still sin, you can make excuses for it, but it is still sin. You can twist the scriptures and attach Hebrew and Greek word studies concerning the original usage of the language, with pictures to illustrate the visual and cultural understanding… but it is still called sin! You may have the intellectual ability to find loop holes and bend the rules in order to cushion the conscious … but is still sin. Christians please read your bibles; don’t let anyone lead you in the wrong direction concerning the life style of living a righteous and holy living unto God. The bible is our only standard and instruction for living on this planet… Live by his word with no compromise… “Stand Your Ground” II Timothy 2:15 Many times we give credibility to the wrong people, we allow their popularity, fame, success, degrees of education, position of high office in religion as the standard of approval, it’s almost like we give people god like preeminence over God’s word. The bible says for the wages of sin is death… Romans 3:23 When sin is conceived it brings forth death… James 1:15 My friend sin brings death… sin brings a separation of your relationship with God. GOD’S WORD SAYS… THOSE WHO PRACTICE SUCH SINS WILL NOT GET INTO HEAVEN Galatians 5: 16-21 Don’t be deceived or convinced by coming to a place in your walk with God, were you allow that mentality of “it’s ok to live and practice sin as a child of God…” It’s not ok… sinful living will hurt the child of God and those around you! FOR THOSE WHO SIN, THERE IS FORGIVENESS AND CLEANSING… John 1:9 BUT YOU MUST REPENT, THAT MEANS YOU MUST TURN FROM YOUR SIN THAT YOU ARE COMMITING AND ASK FOR FORGIVNESS… MY FRIEND, TURN BACK TO GOD AND WALK TOWARD HIM… CHANGE YOUR THINKING AND WALK RIGHT WITH GOD… Listen I’m not running around trying to be the Holy Ghost police officer, pointing my finger at everyone… I am just warning God’s people as a caring shepard… be careful of the things that people and leaders try to exemplify and convey that “sin is ok when it is not…” God Bless You…. Love Pastor Albert Cisneros
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 21:50:32 +0000

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