WARNING: THIS VIDEO CONTAINS IN ITS SUBTITLES AND AUDIO DISTURBING HATE RHETORIC. Something rotten is happening in the homeland of my ancestors. The government is allowing and thereby supporting the growth of reactionary groups who are allowed to harass and inflame hatred toward Korean and Chinese people. If you watch the film, you may ask yourself, How do things get this bad? We Americans should know that answer. This kind of hatred flourishes here too. Same reasons. State revisionist history that whitewashes colonization and slavery. A government which gains something from racial unrest. Laws and a police force which does not respond to hate crimes -- threats of murder, massacre, targeting schools and harassing school girls calling them mysoginistic names and threatening violence, basically inflaming a Ferguson to happen. It took me a bit of time to post this as I wrestled with my inner-self. Somehow, to hear hate in my first language even if it were stripped from me in the first grade and seeing this crowd of ugly racists with contorted Japanese faces filled me with shame. To complicate matters, add the group trauma we carry as Nikkei that ripples through each generation after our parents and grandparents incarceration without due process in concentration camps during WW2 on the basis of race. That is a story grows and grows. With each passing year, we learn about the Japanese Latin Americans kidnapped, the Justice Camps kidnapping leaders and putting them in secret prisons, Renunciants and so forth. The pain and suffering endured by the Nikkei people of this hemisphere , their courageous sacrifice is spat on by what you will see in this video occurring in Japan -- by tolerating an ignorant hateful group of xenophobes imitating the worst of the worst of colonizers imperialist white supremacist thoughts. They bring SHAME TO THEIR PEOPLE. It sickens me so I must speak out. This is racism in a very very ugly form with absolutely no response from the police or leadership, seemingly. It must be confronted by me as clearly and quickly as I confront racism at home. Right now, I will join my friend Miho Kim and spread the word. I am already in touch with my good friend, a Japanese National, and also a Pacific Asian community group Ive been part of for 40 years, and we will do something together! Thats our commitment.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 04:11:32 +0000

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