WARNING: This is not a Politically Correct post - but I believe - TopicsExpress


WARNING: This is not a Politically Correct post - but I believe its fully warranted and appropriately timed. Please respect my right to having a constructive opinion before reading - and I respect your right not to agree with me. Thank you. Regarding the agent safety discussions... I seriously doubt Im alone in this perspective... in thinking that some of the reactions are going overboard. Yes... its truly sad and unfortunate that these crimes have occurred. I feel very bad for the victims - and I share 100% in the hope that the perpetrators get whats coming to them in each case. That said, I for one choose not to work in a paranoid state. Conscious & aware - yes. Living & working in fear - no. Its one thing to be fully-aware & proactive in the course of our duties - and to promote such awareness in an organized manner. Its another entirely to start talking as though were literally at war with an Undercover Plague of Violent Criminals every day, and thus need to practice in a constant state of alarm. After reading so many of the comments here and elsewhere, I envision open houses where the agent has one hand on a brochure, and another on the trigger of a 38 Special as the next potential buyer walks in the door. Is this seriously the type of working environment we wish to portray as being reality? Because its simply not the case (for most agents)... and I think this needs to be stated. A statistic was mentioned in another thread that 2 dozen agents perished due to criminal acts in 2013. Ill offer a constructive counterpoint, and suggest we ALSO consider the sheer volumes of showings & transactions which were performed in 2013 by agents who were NOT victimized. While were at it, lets also pay respect to the agents who were killed by drunk drivers while on their way to a showing - and the agents who broke their necks falling down unfamiliar stairways - and those who have been killed, or permanently disfigured in dog attacks - etc. And lest we forget the countless agents who died of cancer last year (each day, and at **this very moment**). Again... I of course fully advocate promoting safe practices in this industry. But it must be done based upon real facts, and more importantly... be **KEPT IN PERSPECTIVE** considering the other NUMEROUS potential hazards we experience in this industry - in addition of course to all OTHER risks we face in the course of life in general, just as everyone else. That is all...
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 19:07:03 +0000

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