WARNING: This will be long post. Just wanted to update everyone. - TopicsExpress


WARNING: This will be long post. Just wanted to update everyone. I was told a couple of weeks that I had lung cancer. This week, I began going to Levine Cancer Institute in Charlotte. The people there have been great, and they dont mess around. They work fast so as not to allow the cancer to spread even more! MONDAY, JUNE 30: Had appointment with a lung oncologist at Levine. But evidently, I dont have lung cancer after all. Its COLON CANCER. It has spread into several tumors in both lungs, my lymph nodes, adrenal glands, and even two tumors on the brain. PROGNOSIS: If I do nothing, a couple of months. If I do radiation AND chemotherapy, and IF it works, then I can stretch that out to a year or perhaps even two. Also met with a radiation oncologist and was fitted for a radiation mask (terrifying experience, btw). Then went on to get an MRI. That day I left home at 5 a.m. and didnt arrive back in my town until about 6:30 p.m. TUESDAY, JULY 1: Got a a call from the radiation oncologist. MRI results were in, and only one of the brain tumors are cancerous. This was the first piece of good news I had received in a month, and I was excited! He wants to do radiation first, then a couple of days later have surgery to completely (hopefully) remove the tumor. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2: Back to Levine to meet with the neurosurgeon. THURSDAY, JULY 3: I will go back to Levine to meet with the GI oncologist and possibly a GI surgeon. TUESDAY, JULY 8: Stereotactic radiosurgery (a certain type of radiation) to the brain in the morning, then meet with pre-op in the afternoon. FRIDAY, JULY 11: Brain surgery! I am also going to try to get them to put in the portacath (needed for chemo) at the same time, so I dont have to schedule yet another surgery. P.S. If you happen to read this post and think the days I am at the hospital will be good days to break in my house, think again. There will be people and a big, and very alert, watch dog there. Anyway, I have nothing of value that would be worth it!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:13:07 +0000

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