WATCH FOR AN INCREASE IN MAGICIANS. A GROWING INTEREST IN MAGIC IN THE WORLD & MAGIC MIXED WITH RELIGION. Church when the disciples asked the Lord in Matthew 24:3-4 And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” Jesus marked it mentioning specific individuals, as He said 4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For MANY will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. THEN He continues with more specific global events. Yet, in this study you will see that these MANY who will say I AM THE CHRIST is NOT found in the Seals, the Trumpets, or Bowls of the Book of Revelation. Concluding that this group of False christs must happen FIRST-BEFORE the Seal, Trumpets, and Bowls. But if you notice, if this is satan counterfeiting the TRUE CHRIST OF GOD, by sending false christ to deceive, then satan will also send forerunners before them, just as John the Baptist was sent before Jesus Christ-to prepare the way of divine truth, but in satans case, preparation of satanic deception. The Holy Spirit will teach you in this study a growing interest & promotion of magic & magicians in the world-biblically what the bible calls sorcery and witchcraft to bewitch (amaze, to be out of ones mind) great and small people alike, all for the purpose of getting the world prepared for fallen angelic beings to do signs, miracles, and wonders to deceive that they might become who satan said they could become. satan to fallen angels:you can be like God, and for a fallen angel to call himself Christ doing miracles, signs, and wonders-as Christ did, gathering followers-as Christ did...fulfills the prophetic words of our Lord Jesus Christ. PS. The word MANY is also used in Acts 4:4 and there were given a value of that word, FIVE THOUSAND. Therefore, up to 5000 false christs will come to deceive...even the church. https://youtube/watch?v=aHXhTiLw7so
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 22:01:46 +0000

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