WArn your friends, neighbors and coworkers. Tricky wording will - TopicsExpress


WArn your friends, neighbors and coworkers. Tricky wording will trip most people up! > Tricks at the ballot...tax hungry shysters are at it again....PASS IT > FORWARD to all voters.. > Gotta watch for this on the ballot. > > Reminder - 98% of the people in Louisiana are NOT familiar with this tax on > the ballot for Nov. 19. This is a tax that both buyers and sellers of a home > in Louisiana will pay at the time of sale of their home if this tax is ever > passed . As an example, if you sell your home for $250,000, both buyer and > seller will each pay to Louisiana $4,925.00 as a transfer tax. This tax > will be a closing cost on the HUD (settlement statement) at closing. And, if > this tax is ever passed, it would most likely be raised again in subsequent > years. > > This is the tricky part: Most people who are not aware of this tax will > just click "NO" on the ballot thinking they are voting against the tax. > But, they will then be voting FOR the tax. The Amendment starts out with "To > prevent....tax" so vote "FOR" > > Voting "YES" prohibits any new real estate transfer taxes in the state. ( > Orleans parish already has a transfer tax). Voters must vote "YES" which > means "stay tax free." > > We would encourage everyone who lives in Louisiana to go to the following > website: staytaxfree/%C2%A0Onthe home page there is a > calculator that figures the tax you will pay at closing if this tax is ever > passed. > > This is an excellent website with great info. This website is sponsored by > the Louisiana Realtors Assn which is our watchdog for new taxes. I hope > everyone will look at this site and figure what their tax to Louisiana > could be just for buying or selling a home . You are just one click away. > staytaxfree/ > > Please pass on to your families and friends who live in Louisiana and > probably know nothing about this tax.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 22:29:59 +0000

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