WE ARE MARRIED Jenskin Lee. 3rd year student. Kang - TopicsExpress


WE ARE MARRIED Jenskin Lee. 3rd year student. Kang Minhyuk CNBlue drummer 3rd year student Being the top student among your class, it makes you really busy in an event like this. Your class is assigned in selling tickets for the main event. And today, you will be busy like a blue-arse fly. Its Digital Seoul Culture Arts University Fun Fair day. The main event of this fun fair is a mini concert, and a fan-meeting-like event for CNBlue. The show will start at exactly 6pm. The event also includes a raffle where you can join in a few contest which was not originally part of the program but you needed to ask the Dean to let you include that contest to make it more interesting and exciting. And the Dean allowed. Many different game booths everywhere, there are some food stalls and merchandise-selling booths too. Its 8oclock in the morning already and the Fun Fair begins. You started telling your team what to do, you handed them their IDs and wristbands indicating which booth they are in. You walk to the main gate and posted the flyer wanna play with cnblue? you better visit our booth. limited slots only, you smiled a little with the teasing tactic your staff did in the flyer. Good thing, you and your friend, Aira, are in the same class with Kang Minhyuk, so asking a favor from him to use the cnblue performance to be able to sell out tickets for the game is a lot easier. Though you dont really talk or considered friends with Minhyuk, at least you two nod to each other if crossing ways in a corridor or canteen. Hes friendly, well thats what you notice when hes around the class which is not often, hes an idol, and its actually a surprise that lately for two weeks now, hes physically in shool. You remembered the day you begged Aira to talk to Minhyuk. Minhyuk agreed with the little favor. He even said, if our booth succeed, then so our class. So thats great for us. No problem, we can do a few games. You heard Aira squeal, omg Minhyukie kamsahamnida!!! Neomu!! Youre so nice. When you took a glimpse of them all you see is Minhyuks cute eye-smile while saying No worries. Your thoughts were disturbed when someone grabbed your wrist and drag you, ya, Junhong!! what the hell are you doing?, Junhong said we need to take you Jen, by request!, you grabbed Junhongs wrist to look from what booth hes in. We Got Married Booth. You panic, kya! Choi Junhong! Im also a staff of this event! cant you see this? You do know Im a staff. Im excempted to any of the games! Junhong halted and thinks for a few seconds, and went back to look at you, I dont remember such rule. Lets go. You were about to run away from him, when Himchan appeared in front of you all of a sudden, and place the handcuff in your right wrist. Himchan, dont dare to run, it will hurt your wrist. You are mad because there are lots of things you need to finish and yet youre disturbed by these two idiots. You tried to stop them from walking, look himchanie, let me go. lets make a deal. let me go, just say you couldnt find me. Then ill do you guys a favor. Junhong, mianhae Jen, we already got a huge favo----- ouch! Himchan stepped on Junhongs foot big time. You were puzzled by the action, and trying to sink-in what is it when the two push you to walk and blind-folded you. You are cursing silently, cos seriously youve got things to do and youre stuck with this stupid married booth. You guys finally reached the booth, and heard someone yelled what happened to you two? it took you forever to get the bride?, Himchan just said shes trying to scape cos of her work..., the other guy said again, the groom was here for 15 minutes already. The guy, who seemed to be playing the Priest said, okay, take their blindfolds off. You have to cover the top of your eyes cos of sudden bright sight. Then when everything is normal, you look at your groom but you have to look upward cos you didnt expect hell be tall. And that make you give a slight surprise expression oh! You!. Its Minhyuk. Your classmate. The cnblue drummer. You instantly face the priest which turned out to be Youngjae, ya! isnt he excempted to this kind of games? hes a celebrity! we might get a problem with this. Minhyuk, its alright, this is our school fair. Himchan without saying a word, place the other end of handcuff to Minhyuks wrist and you dont know if you misheard it but you think the latter said thanks to Himchan. Youngjae, they can stop the wedding if they want...but I doubt they can. he winks. You can only sigh and slightly threat him if I get a prob with my tasks today, you and your team are dead! Youngjae just gave you a big smile while he was batting his eyelashes and said lets start. Minhyuk let out a slight laugh, grinning while shaking his head. As the short ceremony went on, you eyed Minhyuk sideways, you notice him calmly staring at Youngjae. You are now staring at your handcuffs. Your skins are touching. And this is every fans dream situation with their idols, a skinship. But you cant be that happy since youre slightly worried, knowing how some Korean fans would react in things/situations like this. Again, your thoughts were disturbed when Minhyuk turned to face you. You panic again, this is the moment which worries you since the beginning. You look at Minhyuk, he smiled and still looking at you. Youngjae speak with the power given to me by this school, I now announced you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride. You held your breathe, and seconds passed, Minhyuk still doesnt move, just looking at you. You felt weak, cos you dont know what to do either, you told him in a whisper-like tone cheeks would do actually.... he smiled again, and approach your face, held your nape, and kissed your lips. The kiss lasted for about 5 seconds. You were left stoned for a second, you swallow hard. For other people, 5 seconds is just a few blinks. But this is a kiss. A kiss from a celebrity. That might cause both parties a problem, but as you were staring at Minhyuk whos now looking and smiling at you, it doesnt seem like hes bothered of what happened. So why would you? Himchan interrupted, picture time!. You two smile and pose at the camera. When everything is done, you two stood at the side and talks with Daehyun whose one of the staff of the wgm booth too, so we have to be together the whole event? you asked, Daehyun jokingly said you can be together until tomorrow if you wanted to. You gave him a smug face, I have errands. I need to give out flyers and other things. and besides you have a rehearsal right Minhyuk?. Your groom replied we have, but thats around 2 oclock. Daehyun said dont worry during his rehearsal and their perf we will be removing the handcuff. Minhyuk offered to help you giving out the flyers, he even said theyll have enough reason to buy a ticket, Im handing them the tickets personally he slightly laugh at his bragging but later on he said sorry for bragging while scratching his head. Alright, thats cute. You only get to see that cute side on TV, in one of their reality shows or his dramas, but not in person. Because usually, when hes in class, hes the typical manly student. Some girls students used the opportunity of seeing Minhyuk in the campus ground and asked if they could take a pic or autograph. He reply,sure, but *showed your handcuffed hands* Im with my wife, if thats alright some students giggle of his words, but you havent notice any negative reactions. Yet. But youre not looking forward to it. A girl student stood in between you and Minhyuk, then another fan asked if she can stand on Minhyuks right side so the picture will only show her and him. You are not offended by that and completely fine with it. After like 15 picture taking, Minhyuk apologise that he should now stop and couldnt accommodate everyone since me, his wife, has things to do. That taken me by surprise, he ask favor to some of female students who are obviously fans of them, can you please help us give this out? the girls excitedly said yes sure, of course. He thanked them and held my hand and we headed to our booth. Aira, whose busy as a bee right now, spotted us walking towards her and she was surprised with an O expression on her face. Aira, soooo you two are married., Minhyuk Ne, and because she became my wife, I need to help her with her job here today. Aira, I see. Oh Jen! Have you ordered the food? Its twelve now. And that struck you, you havent ordered anything yet! You, oh my god!! not yet! aisssh they drag me as early as 9! wait..., You took your phone, dialled a number, while waiting for the other line to pick up, you asked Minhyuk can you please wait for someone to answer, Ill just look for my wallet he used his right hand to get the phone while you use your left to busily search on your bag. Youre worried cos you cant find your wallet, Aira, did you see my wallet?, your friend said no. Aira, maybe you still have it in your locker. It relieves you, maybe you really left it there and forgot to put it in your bag. Minhyuk, someone answered already, you get the phone from him hello, tereyaki mix. for fifteen person. Yes. after the phone call, you asked the other staffs I need 55,000won. Who got? Aira, how much do you have? I have 20,000won here. Aira, just a sec, ill check. Minhyuk taps you, here *handed you a 100,000won* .....its better to owe one person, instead of a few of the staffs. You looked at him he has a point, you took the money and nodded, you said youre right. thanks. Ill give you the money later, he nodded. You gave the money to Kisha, one of the staff, once the delivery arrived dont forget to ask for the official receipt. We will just go around the school, alright. Walking almost the entire school and sometimes getting stop by some fans who ask for Minhyuks picture, you two decided to take a quick stop at the nearby bench at the soccer field, Minhyuk phone rings. You two are quiet, enjoying the feel of the heat of the sun and also you cant think of anything to say. Minhyuk, do you feel awkward?, you look at him then went back facing the field, a little., then he said dont be. or else ill be awkward too. *looks at you with a smile* you know what the last time I joined a school fair like this was in my third year in high school. You nodded, thats years ago. The last time I did.....was last year. You both laughed. He said, yeah, youre always active. Last years fun fair was conflicted with our Blue Moon Asian tour. Im glad that Im able to participate this year, he added. You, I never thought youre the type of guy that is interested with these kind of things. You seem like you will just stay in front of your computer and play online games instead of getting under the heat of the sun and play teenager games. haha. Minhyuk, Well at some point I thought the same, but staying at home will not help me meet and talk to interesting people. You automatically look at him and said oh really?! with a smile and giving him the dont-play-cute-on-me look. A phone rang, you both look at your own pockets, its yours. Airas calling, hello?, J, foods arrived. Get here so you guys can eat., alright got that. Well head back now. Minhyuks looking at you waiting, thats Aira?, yep, she told us to go back and eat. You two started walking when your phone ring again. Airas calling, were walking already---, drop by at the we got married booth first. You need to get and see something... That bothers you instantly, what did those jerks did this time?, Just go there and youll see. Bye!. Minhyuks eyeing you, and you just shrugged your shoulder. While walking you said, we need to see whatever it is we needed to see in We Got Married booth, Aira told me., Minhyuk nodded, and Im nervous about it. What will it be this time? you added. Reaching the booth, seeing many girls squealing, and making their way into something while pointing their phones gave you a bad feeling and at the same time, youre very curious. Bang was there, the team captain of the soccer team, waved at you, you were surprise to see him participating in that booth, but you didnt bother asking him because youre too pre-occupied of whats going on. Bang, hey! Good to see you guys, here are your pictures of the wedding earlier. He gave one each to you and Minhyuk, you stare at the pic, its a picture of you two kissing. No its not actually a kissing, it was just a peck on the lips. A simple peck on the lips. You simply said, thanks. But can you delete your soft copy of this and DO NOT dare spreading this around? Can you? Bang was about to say something when Minhyuk pointed the area where a lot of girls were busy crowding in, you followed where his finger pointing, and there, you got shock of what you saw, a huge portrait of the same picture Bang gave you awhile ago. The very same pic of you two lips-locked! You felt your blood drained your head, you face Bang, omg! What the fck!? Are you guys insane? Remove that thing!!! Now! Bang was taken aback of your sudden anger, they might post that online and Minhyuk might get a prob---- Minhyuks already showing you his phone, theres a post on twitter mentioning him about the kissing picture. Minhyuk, gwaenchana, I can explain that later on my twitter. Dont worry that much on my side, but dont worry ill make sure you wont get bothered by anyone because of this. You ask Bang again if they can remove the portrait, and why did they displayed it there in the first place, you guys were the first coupletoday, so we thought of printing it out and display it to make it an attraction. Which a big help. Just let us use it Jen, anyway its posted online already. We cannot do anything about it anymore All you can do right now is facepalm yourself, you mumbles whatever.... Minhyuk asked if you guys can leave cos hes already hungry. You felt bad for staying there for too long. Arriving at the ticketing booth, Aira handed your food and well as Minhyuks. You pointed him where you two can sit when his phone ring, Minhyuk, yeoboseyo? Ne, hyung! Ne, Im about to eat. Oh jeongmal? Ah ne, go there now, ill see you guys there in a bit. Ne. Annyeong. You stare at him, They arrived?, Hm, I told them Ill eat first, you nodded and without thinking you said why dont you eat with them in the waiting room, instead of here?. Minhyuk looks at you and smile, is it alright?, you smiled back of course, why it wouldnt be okay?. Minhyuk closed the food box again, and stood, lets go?, for a moment you were dumbfounded, you were staring at him but realized your mistake right away and pretended that you didnt forgot that you two were handcuffed with each other. You stood and walk out of the place with him and told the other staffs that youll be right back during the bands rehearsal. As you two walk to the back door of the auditorium, for the nth time, a few girls asked if they can have a picture with Minhyuk, he entertain some but when it looks like it will take them forever you decided to interrupt them, Uhm, excuse me, girls, we need to get to the auditorium now, he havent eaten anything yet, see this *pointing at the meal box*, and their rehearsal is about to start in a few minutes. We really need to get going. You can see their faces turned sour but ignored them and slightly pull Minhyuk to start walking. Youre worried that Minhyuk might think that his fans will dislike him for what you did, you felt guilty and said should I say apologise for saying we need to leave? Youre hungry, I know. And me too. I think they will understand that, if they are your real fans. Minhyuk, Im just worried that they might hate you for acting that way. You chuckled, Hate me? I dont really give a damn if they hate me. So theres no need to get worried. Arriving at the waiting room, Minhyuk guided you to go in first, the members are having their hair/make-up done and stood once the both of you are inside the room. Members gather infront of you then Minhyuk introduce you to them, Hyung, this is Jen, my wife while smiling, you transfer your meal on your right hand but Minhyuk grab it and hold it for you so you could shake hands with the members. You, hi, nice meeting you guys. Jonghyun, so you are the pretty wife, you smiled yeah, the ambushed wife. Actually were the ambushed couple. All of them were smiling of your comment, Minhyuk continued his intro about you, shes the top student in my class, and Im very lucky to have a smart wife today. Jungshin, whats that? *pointing at your food*, oh this is our food, have you guys eaten? *they nod* oh, Minhyuk havent. Their staffs gave you two your seats and started eating, and because youre using your left hand, youre having a little trouble, you spill your food and you quickly put it back in your plate, you caught Minhyuk staring, so you just said sorry~ *smile* he smiled and comments it drops on the table already. You, yeah, its okay. We sometimes need germs in our body *grins*, Yonghwa interrupted dont worry, Minhyuks like that too! He would even still eat it even if it drops on the floor already, you laugh because you thought Minhyuk was disgusted when you did the same but it seems like hes not and was just surprise that you two are alike. As the time goes by, theres only 10 minutes left for CNBlue to rehearse and still no sign of any of the staff from the wgm booth, you decided to call Daehyun. After a couple of attempts hes still not picking up his phone. You are starting to get irritated, Minhyuk notice that and say Not answering? you shake your head. Minhyuk took his phone out, Ill try to call their captain, you look at him and ask Yongguk?, Ne, you were pretty surprise that he has Bangs number since you werent aware that they are friends but then you just ignore it. Minhyuk handed you the phone once someone answered already, Hello, Yongguk?, Ne?, Im trying to call Daehyun, and hes not picking up! Tell him Im going to kick his ass later! We need your staff now!, Now as in now?, YES! CNBlues rehearsal is about to start! Are you expecting me to sit on Minhyuks lap while hes playing drums? Yonghwa laughed and spill his drinks accidentally cos he was drinking water at that moment, you smiled at what happen but you remain sounding mad at the guy on the other line, Look, you need to send someone here to release us so I could go back to my booth while theyre rehearsing. You heard Bang calling Junhong and giving instruction, Jen, junhongs on his way. Wait for him there., alright, thanks. The manager said they need to go on stage now, and youre already worried because theres still no sign of Junhong. And the boys stood and heading out of the door, Minhyuk looks calm, and youre giving him a sorry look already, he smile gwaenchana, hell be here in a few. We can wait for him while were on stage. The very moment you stood, Junghong came in breathing heavily, you wanted to yell at him but seeing him in that state makes you to let it pass, instead you just folded your arms and face him is it fun running around and chasing soon-to-be-couples?, Junhong is still panting, here! *handed you the key* release yourself., Thanks, you unlock the handcuff, and handed it over to Junhong but he refuse to get it, you guys will be needing it after the rehearsal. Just give me the key, I need to go. Aish, why did we even pick this booth this year! you patted his back Congrats!, you grinned at him before leaving. Minhyuk and the other members started fixing their instruments, you followed them and just stood at the side, you wanted to have a glimpse and decided that you will leave after a few minutes. You spotted one of your staffs busy arranging chairs in the venue, three girls were like giggling and held out their phones to film cnblue, you stood on their way blocking their cellphones, if cnblue staff caught you filming them, they might confiscate your phones and delete it., the other girl named Anna pouted, shes a freshman, before leaving the three you whispered you go at the side where nobody will notice you guys, cos I wont be responsible if you get caught, okay?! The three squeals, but before you turned your back on them you said Give me a copy of your fancams okay?! And dont post it now, post ittomorrow. the three nodded and smiling like crazy, you reminded them that they need to finish arranging chairs and everything right after the rehearsal. The rehearsal was over an hour ago, in your surprise no one from the wgm booth has grab you to handcuff with Minhyuk, maybe hes exhausted and restricted by their manager, you thought. For you on the other hand thats good because youve done a lot in that time you were released from your husband, now the mini live show is going to start in 30 minutes and everyone else in your team is getting more busier. They have started to let everyone in inside the auditorium. Your phone rang, an unknown number is flashing on your phone, you answered hello?, Jen, can you go back here at the backstage now?, Minhyuk?, Ah ne, I got your number from Bang, can you go now?. After saying yes, you head back to the auditorium, you were confused cos its not about the time to be handcuff with him again since they are about to perform, when you reach their room, Yonghwa and Minhyuk handed you two plastic bags, you gave them a what-is-this look, thats for the games later, we brought some stuff you guys can give away Yonghwa answered. You were surprised on how thoughtful of them. Wow! Thanks. This is unexpected. For sure, many of your fans will be crying over thistonight. You need to get back to the main area now but before you reach the door, Minhyuk who looks like a shy boy said, uhm, you can get one stuff toy from that, keep it. You stared at him for a few seconds, and to the plastic and back to him again, you nodded and only were able to say thank you. The event went on. You are just standing at the side of the stage alongside with Aira, who has been singing along from the very beginning. Its now their 3rd song, and after this, its game time. When Yonghwa introduce each of the members, after he introduced Minhyuk, he went to him and drag him upfront, I never thought that our maknae will be the one to get married first., girls are screaming everywhere. Yonghwa continued, todayhe got married. *the scream got louder* you guys know that already, right? I saw it online. Minhyuk whispered, you assumed he was telling his hyung to stop teasing him. You signalled the MC to proceed and approach the boys. But before he reach halfway Yonghwa already called out your name that you didnt even heard, Aira just repeated it for you. They are staring in your direction, you wanted to run cos this is out of plan and youre simply unprepared. Jonghyun approach you and held his hand out come on Mrs. Kang! he said teasingly. You, oh please stop that., in the middle of the stage, screams are just everywhere, you never have a stage fright before buttoday, you do. Someone might just throw something at you, you know that its exaggerated but its better to be prepared. Yonghwa, so Mrs. Kang, whats your name again?, hi, uhm, I want to leave this place walking so please stop calling me that. you said it in a half-joking way. They laughed. Jungshin said dont worry, our boices are nice, you just smile at him and introduce yourself, uhm Im jenskin lee. third year, president of student council, Jonghyun added are you a boice?, you hesitated to answer, but Jonghyun raised his eyebrows indicating that hes waiting for your answer, uhm, yeah, i know your songs, but ..., great!! Now the wife is a fan too, Jonghyun exclaimed. Some students whistled and cheered, even CNBlue members are surprise, Jungshin said I think our Minhyukie here have to study very hard to match Ms. Jens brain, other members second the motion. And youre surprise of Minhyuks response, I can be a good husband even if Im not as smart or intelligent as her. And that causes loud teasing sound from the crowd, and before everything gets worst you took the microphone and announce that the random games with CNBlue will now start. And took that chance to give the mic to the MC and hurriedly left the stage. The mini concert is over. It lasted an hour or so because of the game. Everyone left the venue with a smile on their faces. A few fangirls even cried after winning in one if the contests and found out that the prize they got were personally given by CNBlue. This is the moment where you feel very tired already but have to clean everything first, like EVERYTHING, before leaving the premises. And just by the look of it, wow, you felt dead tired big time. Staffs are starting to arrange all the chairs, and some our picking up trashes, you did the same. After your booth was cleared during the mini concert, all you have to focus now is cleaning up the auditorium. A staff approached you, a CNBlue staff, you were surprised to see her, hi, eh Minhyuk was trying to call you but your phone is off, that moment you held out your phone, empty battery. Oh sorry. Empty battery. Why? Is there a problem? The female staff wave her hand no, no, theres no problem, but he told me to check on you since your phone is off, ah okay.. The staff looks like she wanted to say something else cos she still doesnt leave, is there---- Minhyuk wanted to talk to you because theyre about to leave. You gave her an O expression, and headed to the backstage, you shouldve told me right away eonnie, you laughed. Everyones all ready and heading the exit while Minhyuks still standing at the entrance door of the room, hey! Hi! I thought you guys left right away. Minhyuk, oh no, we rested a bit. You guys arent going home yet?, ah no, not yet, not until we finish cleaning the place. But were almost done cos other teams are helping us. Ah i see, i would love to help our group too cos---, no no, its alright. I know you guys are tired, i know youre tired for all the things we didtoday. So yeah, you should head back home and rest, we can take-- Bang out of nowhere came out from behind you and held your hand, Himchan showed up too, you were too shocked cos you thought they were fighting over something infront of you and Minhyuk, then you finally realised what they did. You two are handcuffed again, the two soccer players ran off. You are mad, like you can feel your blood is all over your face, you took your phone out to and be reminded that its already empty. Minhyuk you can use my phone..., good he handed his phone, dialed Bang Yongguks number. Youre trying very hard to compose yourself, you feel like any moment youre going to burst in anger. A few rings, he picked up, Well show up before midnight. Let us know where you guys at he hang up. You werent able to say a word and then he hang up on you, you look at Minhyuk, before midnight? He said hell show up before midnight!!. Minhyuk is just staring at you, you said in between your gritted teeth, he better be joking. Thats two and a half hours from now, if they have nothing to do they should be the one handcuffed with someone else. Minhyuks still not talking, uhm, look Im so sorry, those assholes are being their assholes-self. Do you want to get this cut? You know like in Titanic? You find your words stupid but you just wanted him not to feel bad getting stuck with you again instead of resting. Minhyuk laughed, Im okay staying. And besides, i already prepared myself being stuck with your for the whole day since this morning. Were supposed to be married for one whole day right? And thats 24 hours. Actually midnight is not our 24th hour, we got married at around 9:30 this morning, right? Minhyuk finally talked. And a long explanation why I should not get mad. You, well they should at least consider that you performed tonight and Im tired too, but then you got a point. Midnight is okay than leaving us here untiltomorrow morning, you chuckled. You decided not to go back to the auditorium and just stay inside the room, to avoid fangirls mobbing Minhyuk. Youve informed Aira where you at just in case shell be looking for you. And also, at least you two could rest while waiting at the time. Minhyuk, did you guys had fun with our performance?, of course! You guys are the best!, really?, yeah! And performing with your instruments live, was additional points, that was really full of effort, and were really thankful. I wouldve understand if you guys dont play the instruments live, were actually expecting the hand-sync but when you guys said youll be performing everything live. We were wowed~. Minhyuk smile widely, we wanted this fun fair to be very special. And its my first time attending the fun fair in this school and im going to be a Senior next year and I might get busy with tours again, so I want this to be something that will be a good memory, youre nodding with his explanation. You yawn accidentally, Am I boring you? Minhyuk asked jokingly, oh no! No! Im just sleepy, i woke up as early as5am today so, Im feeling sleepy already. He asked you to just lean on the couch and take a nap, without any hesitation, you sleep cos you can feel your eyes shutting, you even told him he can take a nap too, but he said he doesnt feel sleepy yet, I will be your guard while youre asleep, he said. And you dozed off. You felt someone tapping your face and your shoulder felt heavy, as you scratch you eyes open, you look at the person touching you face, its Junhong. You were half-stretching your body when you realised that Minhyuk was sleeping and his head is leaning on your right shoulder. You instantly look at Junhong, who is now removing the handcuff and thats the time Minhyuk startled and woke up, so were done here, were going home, finally.. You nodded, yeah the long day is over!, do you guys need a ride? Himchan hyung said he can drop you two. You and Minhyuk look at each other, you said are you now awake? do you want to ride with Himchan?, Minhyuk nodded, you asked Junhong if he saw Aira, she left an hour ago with Youngjae, hyung offered her a ride, you only nod at Junhong, so theyre dating now, you thought. The day is over. The two of you were dropped to your respective places by Himchan. You actually fell asleep again inside the latters car, Minhyuk only wake you up when that car is infront of your apartments building. Before getting in your bed, you check your phone while charging cos theres a new message came, Thanks for today. It was a lot of fun! See you in two weeks, my band will be off to America, its Minhyuk. You smiled reading his text, and you press reply hey~ Thanks too. I had fun as well. And it was an experience getting stuck with a celebrity, ㅋㅋㅋ. Have fun in the States. Take care! Fighting!. You are at least expecting a reply from him like thanks but in your surprise hes now calling you, you answered hey, hi, i just called to say goodnight, Minhyuk sounded shy, you laugh at him that sounded like the song I just called to say I love you, you two laugh in unison. Minhyuk said, itll be awkward if I say i called to say i love you right, so I think goodnight its more like a proper thing to say. You were nodding as if he can see you, uhm yeah youre right, theres silence, uhm, I took one teddy bear from those items you gave for prizes, cool! So you like teddy bears?. well, uhm, sort of, its one of the cutest thing in there, so I took it, you laugh a bit. Minhyuk where is it?, the what?, the bear..., oh, its in my bag right now, will you be placing it in your bed?, you were surprised of his question and blurted out what?, ah,nothing, ah goodnight. Sleep well and sweet dreams. Annyeong. The call ended, youre just staring at your phone. That was weird. Minhyuk asked you a weird question and he acted weird. But that made you smile, it gives you a good feeling. A week had passed, youre with friends in the cafeteria having your lunch. Our soccer team this year is pretty tough. They get to have Minhyuk to play this year, Junhong just told me yesterday, Aira said. You gave her a questioning look, Minhyuk....our classmate?. She make face because of your question and said No?! CNBlues drummer.... Jen do you know any other Minhyuk except our classmate,whose CNBlue drummer, your husband, Minhyuk, huh?!. You, excuse me, were divorced already. So hes no longer my husband. You stick your tongue-out at her. Aira fires back Says who? The marriage is valid until next years Fun Fair *winks*. Anyway as I was saying, from what they told me they have been trying to get Minhyuk for the last two years, but Minhyukie refused before I think?! He said he cant take risk of getting injured. But then this time, Minhyuk asked Bang if he still needs a new player. Then they made a deal. You just shrugged your shoulder, maybe he has more free time this time, free time? hes still busy. See, he doesnt show up in school again, he said hell be gone for two weeks, Aira with wide eyes open exaggeratedly asked He said to you? When?, you calmly response after the Fun Fair. He told me their band will be going to the US. Hello, you know that already! Its in the news., well I got it from the news, while you, you got it from Minhyuk, youre giving her a whats-the-big-deal look and she ignores you. You saw a post on Minhyuks instagram, While walking in LA street, I saw this in a shop earlier, isnt cute?, a picture of a small teddy bear holding a drumsticks displayed in a shop. You suddenly remember the teddy bear you took during the Fun Fair, I think he has a thing for teddy bears, you thought. You received a text during class, hi, were back in Korea. :), its Minhyuk. You couldnt reply yet cos your professor might caught you. Youre on your way home to your apartment and decided to reply at his text, Welcome back! ^.^ You were waiting for reply but theres none. And you didnt bother texting him again cos maybe hes busy or resting already. After three days, while youre in the nearby supermarket you received a text, your forehead wrinkled, youre puzzled of the text, Dude, its me that should be thankful. You still wants me to get into the team, and you helped me big time. I really appreciate all the effort you guys extended just to help me with Jen, this is obviously a wrong sent message, you thought. And youre not on top of your class to be that stupid not to know for who is this text Minhyuks accidentally sent to you. You waited, you know he will realised his mistake anytime soon. And you werent wrong, your phones ringing and its him, you waited for two more rings and you answered, hello?, ah Jen, uhm, how are you?, Im good. Thanks. And you?, Im good too. Thanks. Uhm,...can we meet?. Youre shocked of his question, thats the least you expected that hes going to say. What?, you cant hide the surprise tone in your voice. Minhyuk, ah, can we meet today?, you wanted to say yes but you thought of his status as an idol, werent you going to schooltomorrow? Cos if we meet somewhere now, Im afraid that Dispatch will be around you make face on your own lame joke. You continued, so I guess meeting you in school tomorrow is much better, you could hear that he sighed but he answered Okay, see you in school tomorrow then. Thanks, Jen. The next day, you are nervous on how Minhyuk is going to talk to you and clear whatever he needed to clarify. You spotted the soccer team members having a chitchat at the side of the hallway, and you stopped in front of them, they stop talking and Yongguk approach you, hey!, youre raising an eyebrow at him and just waited for him to talk, uhm, are you mad?, is there any reason for me to get mad?, I know you already know what happened, good thing youre smart, so all of you fooled me, was it fun laughing at my back?, It wasnt as fun as we expected it to be, running all around the campus, playing hide and seek with the targets are not really fun, but we took that booth already so we dont have any choice. It was so hard. You open your mouth to say something but you spotted Minhyuk from behind, he arrived, now approaching you and Bang. He stop in front of you, Bang gave way so the two of you are facing each other, Hi he said, hi you said back. He swallowed hard, you saw that cos you are staring at him and waiting for him to start talking. Are we going to just stare at each other here? you asked, Minhyuk is nervous, thats pretty obvious and you felt bad about it, hes very different from the role he used to play in his dramas, okay, do you want to talk somewhere else? Like a closed door place?, yeah, thats a great idea, he said with a sound of relief in his voice. Okay lets go, I think the auditorium is free from students right now you two were about to walk but you stop half-way, do you need them *pointing at Bangs group*?, Minhyuk look back and forth at you and the group, uhm I guess Bang can come?, Bang instantly walk towards the auditorium without saying a word and you two followed. Your phone rang, its Aira, you werent able to say hello, ya! And why are you late?, Im not late. Im already here in school you look at the two walking side by side, Im heading to the auditorium right now, waeyo?, Im with Bang and Minhyuk...will tell you everything later., kyaaa! jenskin lee, dont be too harsh on him, he has reasons...., that made you stop walking, what? Ya! Choi Aira! Do you have anything to do with this?, ah okay ill talk to you later, Youngjaes calling...bye, ya! Aira! Aiisssh. Jinja!. You caught the two staring at you but turn their gaze away right after you caught them, and you can only exclaim, i cant believe this! Aira knew?, the two guys didnt answer yet they headed straight to the auditorium. Inside the auditorium, you stand infront of Minhyuk, crossed-arms, you signalled Bang to just stand at the side, okay, go ahead, Ill give you enough time to explain. Minhyuks nervous, just by staring at his eyeballs and the way he blinks rapidly. Look, its just us three here, go ahead. Wait, are you shy? Cos that simply doesnt fits you Im not shy. Im just......intimidated...., you open your eyes wide and gestures eh?, youre intimidated? By me?, Minhyuk, look its just, it just, when I see you before its like youre not interested of my presence in our class. Like, i feel so insecure that among every girl classmate we got, its only you who doesnt ask either a selca with me or my autograph.. Minhyuk explained. He continued, and, you said you dont like too-handsome guys, I cant find any other way to get close to you, or even have another way where I can talk to you, so I asked for their help, he hold his nape looking so frustrated and confused, you can only stare at him with mouth half-opened. He looks at you, looking like a sad puppy, jen... Please dont get mad...., you got back to your senses and straighten yourself and clears your throat, was it so hard for you to just approach and ask me if I want to go out with you?, instead of answering you, he fires another question back if I did ask you before, would you say yes?, youre taken aback, well, maybe i will say yes, i guess, thats the point, What if you say No? Then I dont have any other chance. Watching Minhyuk and after hearing his side makes you forget the exact reason why you are mad, you two had a few seconds stare-fight. Bang interrupted, we have a clas---, you didnt let him finish, you can go, were not yet done! Minhyuk looked at Bang as if saying dont leave him yet, go ahead Bang, were almost done here, well follow you in a bit when Bang doesnt leave you gestured to kick him, and he started backing off but he said before turning away, Jen you cant punch him in the face! Hes an idol!, I know! Leave! And you went back facing Minhyuk. Hes just standing there, looking at you and said you cant slap me on my face too. I have a photoshoot this evening. My face might get swollen, youre trying to figure if hes joking but he seems not and he seriously think youre going to hurt him. Wow. Look, if I were a guy, and I like someone, i will just approach her and tell her that i like her and Im interested on dating her. You smiled, but the thing is, Im not a guy. Its you. But if I knew or had a feeling that you were interested on dating me before, i shouldve asked you out myself. You smiled. And youre staring at him. Waiting for him to react. But your smile fades cos that took 20 seconds for him to react. Minhyuk face went serious, eyebrows-furrowed, he blinks a few times and asked what?, you tap your forehead and exclaim What? Wow Minhyuk, I never thought youre that slow Minhyuk started to stutter mworago? Wait, you..., you gestured your hand for him to stop talking, look, gather your words first, ill let you think then just talk when you dont stutter anymore. Minhyuks smiling widely now, youre not mad at me now right? So you like me too? He hugged you tight that your face squeezed on his chest, hey!, he realised that oh sorry, oh god, neomu you scared me. I was preparing to get a punch from you. He talks continuously now, you like me too Jen? Really?, you raised an eyebrow I dont remember saying that. He smile widely again, if only i was given a hint Jen, i wouldve asked you out before, but theres no sign really. And Im afraid that you will reject me. You pointed your forefinger on his forehead you shouldve try! And besides, whose girl would reject the very Kang Minhyuk?, you? You said you dont like too-handsome guys, you hit his arm lightly correct, i dont like too-handsome guys, but who told you youre a too-handsome guy? Youre just an average. He smiled, Ill let that pass. Jen, am i forgiven?, Im not really mad, i was just shocked. And even Aira knew,..how? Minhyuk grin, tell me you like me too first, then Ill tell you the story. You gave him a deathly glare, he laughs, Okay, i like you too. But not that much so dont be too proud of yourself, Im not going to be all-crazy over you, Minhyuk held your hand, you dont need to be crazy all over me, cos thats me on you already he brought your hand to his heart. The bell rang. You both startled and laughed because of it, your face was funny you said, Minhyuk reply and so are you. You look like youre caught doing something bad. You pinch him, whatever! class time. We need to go. Well talk again later. You turn heading to the door, hes right behind you, he stop you, and make you face him, he hold you face and lean in closer to your ear thank you, i will make you happy, then he kiss your cheek. He smile with a happy expression on your face while staring at you, you said thank you too, for finally having the courage of telling me that you like me. You smiled at him and lean in and kiss him on the lips, that lasted for 3 seconds. He was shocked, you tap his cheek lightly and jokingly said dont faint, we have a class. Lets go! And you two headed to your classroom. School ended. You two talked again, he even drop you to your dorm building. He gave also gave you that teddy bear with drumsticks he posted a few days ago on his instagram, there was a sticky note on it saying please let me sleep beside you, when you read the note, you instantly misunderstood it. You ring him, hey, this is the bear you bought in the States, i saw your post, ne~ did you like it?, uhm, its cute. The words you wrote, was it a double-meaning sentence or you just didnt realised what you wrote?, Minhyuk on the other line were puzzled, wait, is there any other note there? Maybe my hyungs played a prank on me~~, youre surprised, oh! Omo~ so what exactly did you write in your note then?, let me sleep besi---, you grinned, so you its you who wrote it, Minhyuk instantly said Jen thats not what I exactly meant, its like the bear is the one saying it. Not me myself! The smile on your face is plastered, you wanted to laugh but you didnt because you will make Minhyuk more embarrassed. You simply said, thanks, i love the bear. Its cute! Dont worry ill place him next to my other mini bear. You two bid your goodnights to each other. Youre very happy. You felt like youre walking on clouds. Youre relationship with him went on smoothly, you understood the fact that you two have to keep it a secret, youre in favor of that too. CNBlue is in Chile right now for a tour, they left a week ago. You two maintained any form of communications even when theyre not in overseas, you have your daily notes that you decided to do and show to each other everytime you meet again. On his first night in Chile he rings you, 10 oclock in the evening, and thats 10 oclock in the morning for you, you said hey!, Minhyuk *sings* I just called to say i love you~, you giggle, you remember that night he called you and teased him about that song, hey arent you tired? You should be sleeping., Im about to sleep, but i want to hear your voice first and tell you i love you. I love you too, ill be very busy in the next days, i just want to tell you to forgive me if I cant call you a lot., you dont have to worry on that part Minhyuk, Im not a nagger girlfriend he laughed on the other line, you go sleep now, just do your notes okay?, arent that nagging?, No! Its called a reminder. Go now and sleep, saranghae. You both hang up at the same time. A couple of days passed. Minhyuk while on skype ask you you like the show let me sleep here tonight right?, you were surprised of his random question, yeah, i and aira watch it together all the time. Waeyo?, he smiled while eating a tangerine i dont know when our episode will be air bu----, you exclaimed you filmed it?!, ne~, when?! Waah! Im pretty sure Airas will jump up and down once she knows this, why, arent you that happy?, I am but shes the one that has been praying for that show to feature you guys haha. When did you filmed it?, you asked again. Jungshin who appears out of nowhere and sat beside Minhyuk said four nights after the Fun Fair!, Hyung were talking, dont interrupt us., Jungshin retaliated what? She asked you that question twice, you missed to answer so I did for you... He smiled sweetly and left the maknae. You are used to them playing around and bothering each other, Jonghyun butt-in this time from behind the couch, Minhyuk was caught that da----, hyung! Ya! Dont spoil the show! Aish jinja, this hyungs!, Jonghyun jokingly said mwo? You called me Ya?! Kang Minhyukssi...., he pinch minhyuks face hard and ran off laughing. You felt bad for your boyfriend, surely being the maknae is hard its alright but he still noticed that youre suppressing yourself to laugh. Minhyuk cutely said dont laugh at me, I dont. Look, i have to go now, its late here. The day youve been waiting for arrived. Let me sleep here tonight airing, your favorite show, last episode you watched it was BTS dorm they featured. But you missed to see EXOs episode the last time, and now they featured CNBlues dorm. Aira arrived in your apartment on time, kyaa i thought youll be late. Its about to start!, Aira make face sorry Mrs. Kang, i have to find your chocolate drink first before heading here! You smiled and thanked for finding it for you. You two are now focused on the screen. ~show~ Shinyoung: shhh, i dont know whose in cnblue are awake now but lets knock. *knock on the door* The door opened and its cnblues manager who was just woken up obviously. He was surprised, the two MCs (Shindong & Shinyoung) step in to the dorm together with the crew while giving a signal to the manager not to make any sound. The first room they open is Jonghyuns. When they opened the door, both the MCs and Jonghyun are shocked, Shinyoung said Omo! and pretending to cover her eyes, Shindong hurriedly said, oh annyeong haseyo Jonghyunssi, quickly wear your tshirt, before you get harassed by this noona, Jonghyun wears his shirt while laughing. SH: oh annyeong haseyo jonghyunssi, are you done with your morning routine? JH: ah ne noona, im about to wake the others up~ SD: who usually wakes up the latest? JH: Me! But for some reason I woke up early, maybe my instinct told me were having an invaders /all laughs/ The all headed to Jungshins room and wake the tall guy up. When Jungshin doesnt easily waken up by Jonghyun, MC Shinyoung lay down on his bed and hug Jungshin which makes the latter wake up in a shock state and fell of his bed. They are now heading to Minhyuks room, Minhyukies room doesnt have a window. When they entered its dim. They opened the lights to find a sleeping Minhyuk in prone way, half-naked. Shinyoung ssssh the others and about to sleep next to him just like she did with Jungshin, Shindong on the other side saw something hanging on the wall next to a mirror and pointed the camera to focus on it. Minhyuk yelled, oh shit! And fell from his bed that makes everyone laugh. When the maknae realized whats going on, he hurriedly get up and grab a shirt, aigoo, you shouldve at least let me dressed properly first, Shindong is that how you usually sleep, no shirt Minhyukgoon?, ani hyung, its just hot today so I took it off last night. Shinyoung, Minhyukgoon, what is the meaning of this? *points at the frame*, Minhyuk look at what the older female is pointing and when he saw it he instantly stand blocking the frame, ah this is a school fair picture of my wife, we got married in our school fair Minhyuk calmly stated. Jonghyun, he bought the frame himself right after he bought that picture~, Shindong, You bought that picture?, Minhyuk is touching his nape and shyly said yes, i did, How much did they sold it to you Im curious Shinyoung asked. Minhyuk hesitated to answer at first, but when Shinyoung said we can wait for your answer here forever, she gestured lying on his bed again, they actually dont have a price for it. So for the wgm team not to hesitate in selling it to me, i offered them 200,000won, Minhyuk said. ~show~ You and Aira were left mouth-opened by what Minhyuk said. But no words coming out and still you two are focused on the screen. ~show~ I was just worried that they might sell it so I offered them a price which they accepted right away. Then later on I found out that they actually thought of selling it in a good cause so I actually did the best thing, i bought it myself. He smiled. Jonghyun gave a giggling laugh, that makes the maknae felt like a candle melting, even though that picture has been circulated online, he still bothered buying the original pic the older male laughed. Shindong thoughtlessly commented, maybe Minhyuk likes her, which made the maknae smile awkwardly and Jungshin gestures playing a dart game and pretended hitting the bullseye. Shinyoung said its a nice shot, is the kiss real?, ah ne, its just a few seconds, but its real, Shindong fires a question, did you like it?, Minhyuk couldnt hide his embarrassed face, what? Hyung! Were on national tv. Dont ask me questions like that. Minhyuk was playfully shoving Shindong at the corner, they are both laughing, he was nodding but he doesnt say any words, thats when Shinyoung scream because she saw Yonghwa standing by the door half-awake, maybe awaken of their noise. When Yonghwa saw everyone, and whats going on he hurriedly ran back to his room to fix himself. ~show end~ When CNBlue came back from Chile, Minhyuk invited you and Aira in their apartment for dinner. Youre worried to go alone cos you might feel awkward with the other members around, so you told him youll be with Aira. As you two arrived, Minhyuk and Jungshin were busy in the kitchen, Minhyuk came to you and gave you a peck on the lips which make the three men growls. You wanted to help them in the kitchen but you know yourself that youre not a good cook, i didnt know that Minhyuk actually can cook, you said. Yonghwa answered who said hes cooking? He was just cutting the vegetables and meat, its Jungshin who cooks. You laughed and gave them an O expression, i think i can help them cutting the veggies too, ill go take a look. As you are approaching him, you gave him a quick kiss on his nape, need some help?, dont do that again, its my weakness he smiled. Youre eyeing him if he was joking, then he suddenly kiss you quickly on the lips. You got me there.~ you punch him lightly. Yah you two lovebirds, if you will do lovey dovey here, please leave the kitchen and let me cook alone. Minhyuk retorted, i told you hyung, we can just order food, we cant really cook. Jungshin hit Minhyuks head lightly, its your girlfriends first visit here, make an effort to impress her! Paboya!, Minhyuk pouted, hyung, what makes you think youre cooking will impress her?. Jungshin acted hurt, aish this! Instead of insulting me, i think you should thank me. Minhyuk, fine! Thanks hyung. Will let you cook now then. Jinja I cant be of any help here. Kaja Jen. The two of you headed back to the living area, and joined the others playing online games. Dinner time. Everyone was hesitant in eating the food, but you started tasting it, you took three spoonful of the soup, tasted and swallowed it, then the members are eyeing you gave them a its-okay look. You secretly pinch Aira. When all the members had a taste of the soup they all blurted a disgusted face, ya! Lee Jungshin did you even tasted this before serving it to us?, Yonghwa said. Jungshin who look confused, i did earlier. But not when I add more seasoning. Minhyuk stood and held out the food they secretly ordered, i know this will going to happen so i ordered a saviour for our dinner. The night is almost over. Before going home, Minhyuk insisted to take a look of his room first, the members said its alright, when you entered his room the first thing you look at is the portrait, if its there. And yes, its still there. But there are a few small frames hanging on the wall, a picture of you sleeping soundly. And a picture of you in your classroom laughing. Another picture of you while youre in front of the class explaining something from the board. And a theres three more of you sleeping, same location of the first frame. Youre surprised, you gave a questioning look while hes looking down at you, this kinda giving me a creepy feeling. You look like a stalker with this photos, you smiled, he smiled back I only take that one when youre sleeping, the rest was taken by Junhong and Daehyun using my phone, he grinned. You pointed at your sleeping picture, this. This was the night of the Fun Fair, where we slept in the waiting room. So you took a picture of me huh. Not only a picture, i also have a short video, you even had this whisper like snore. So cute. You hit him, he laugh and hold you hand and not letting it go, it was really cute. You must be tired thats why you slept so well, then when i thought youre not waking up any sooner, I decided to take a nap too. Then I slept well too. You smiled at him while shaking your head, you took advantage of me, Minhyuk advantage? I didnt even dare kissing you while youre asleep. Taking advantage of a sleeping person is never my style. I want my girlfriend or the person i like to be fully aware that Im kissing her. So i would know if she likes it or not., youre surprised of his words, his confidence-level, are you kang minhyuk? You jokingly asked. Instead of answering you, he pulled you closer to him, and he lean to kiss you, you two kissed, stopped when theres a need for air, Im Kang Minhyuk, the guy youre married and the guy whose crazily inlove with you. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your life, Jen. You hold both sides of his face and stares at him, thank you too for working you way to be a part of my life. I promise to be the girlfriend you deserves. He leaned for another kiss. A knock disturb your kissing, Yonghwa said from behind the door, its better if you guys sleepover cos Aira and Jungshin kept losing on the game and she bet all her money!, Aira screamed I am not going home without taking my money back! You two already went out of the room laughing at whats going on. Jonghyun teased Aira, Sorry i guess you need to say bye bye to your house cos you wont be going home. They laughed out loud. Minhyuk back-hugged you tightly and contented watching the other members play around. He kept whispering that he loves you and you do the same. -END- A/N: Sorry, even if I wanted to write bed scenes, i just couldnt, Im not good in wordings. Lol. And this actually went tooooo long than as I expected. I planned to post this on cnbs 5th anniv but because it went on and on, i couldnt post it without a proper ending (well does my ending okay?!) so i wasnt able to post it. Anyway, this is a first #shortfanficstory I wrote this year. And kindly excuse my grammar.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 17:49:17 +0000

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