WE DESIGNATED BOKO HARAM, ANSARU BECAUSE OF OUR ECONOMIC INTERESTS – US OFFICIALS Last week, the United States of America finally designated two notorious radical Islamic sects in Nigeria – Boko Haram and Ansaru - as foreign terrorist organisations after months of deliberations. This action has since attracted reactions and different interpretations from Nigerians and other nationals in Africa and beyond. What are the real reasons why the US took such a decision? Fielding questions from a number of concerned individuals across the globe, US officials said that security is of utmost importance to their country, especially as a lot of American citizens have economic interests in Nigeria.Moderator: The United States of America has designated Boko Haram and Ansaru militant groups in Nigeria as foreign terrorist organisations; what is the background to this declaration? Senior administration official one: We view today’s designation of Boko Haram and Ansaru as foreign terrorist organisations and specially designated global terrorists by the secretary of state as part of our efforts to help Nigeria succeed in adopting a comprehensive approach to address its domestic terrorist threat. Nigeria’s comprehensive approach must include enhancing security force professionalism, building confidence in the people of northern Nigeria, by meeting their legitimate economic needs, and ensuring adherence to the rule of law and accountability. All of our assistance to Nigeria stresses the importance of protecting civilians, adhering to the rule of law, and respecting human rights. We have taken this step because Nigeria is a strategic partner of the United States. It is Africa’s most populous country, with about 170 million people. It provides over 4,880 soldiers and police for peacekeeping missions, and it is a global supplier of oil – crucial global supplier. We consistently engage with Nigerian leaders at all levels to advance our mutual interests. President Obama met with President Jonathan on the margins of this year’s UN General Assembly. Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman led a delegation to Abuja in mid-August of this year. And we also have regular senior interaction in Washington and in Nigeria with Nigerian officials, including federal, state and local officials, as well as members of the civil society. We want to see an even stronger Nigeria that fulfills its ambitions to be a regional and a global leader. To that end, Nigeria must strengthen its democratic institutions, advance economic reform, control corruption, professionalise its security forces, and effectively counter the threat of terrorism while respecting the human rights of all its citizens. Moderator: Senior administration official two; what is your take on the US classification of these groups? Senior administration official two: The designation to Boko Haram and Ansaru are an important step in supporting the government of Nigeria’s efforts to counter violent extremism and address the security challenges in northern Nigeria. Boko Haram is a Nigeria- based violent extremist organisation with links to al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM. It is responsible for thousands of deaths since its conception in 2009, including large-scale attacks against Muslim and Christian religious communities, women and children. Since 2009, Boko Haram has been conducting brutal campaign against the Nigerian military, government and civilians. It has been behind numerous attacks on Nigerian schools, and was also responsible for the August 2011 suicide bombing of the UN building in Abuja that killed 21 people and injured dozens more. Ansaru splintered from Boko Haram in January of 2012. Since its inception, Ansaru has committed multiple attacks of violence against civilians and Nigerian government officials, and is responsible for the deaths of countless civilians and Nigerian security personnel. Ansaru also has links to the AQIM. The consequences of these designations include an asset freeze against Boko Haram and Ansaru, and a prohibition against knowingly providing material support to either organisation. In addition to denying both groups access to the U.S financial system, these designations will assist law enforcement efforts to pursue these groups and investigate and prosecute individuals associated with their terror. These designations notify the world that the United States and Nigeria are jointly combating this extremism. Moderator: What are the specific links to the AQIM; does either group pose a threat to the US? Senior administration official two: Yes. While we believe that Boko Haram and Ansaru are primarily Nigerian organisations, they have links with the AQIM. Our assessment is that the AQIM has helped provide some training and limited financing to the groups. Senior administration official one: In terms of security to the US, there is a very large American population as well as economic investment in Nigeria. So threats to Nigeria automatically impact on the economic interest of American citizens. Moderator: Do you have any indication that there are specific threats against American persons or US economic interests in Nigeria? Senior administration official one: They have made threats to Westerners in Nigeria and in the region. So we consider ourselves to be part of the target. Senior administration official two: You are aware of the attack on the UN facility in 2011 that killed 21 people and injured many. Deb Riechmann (the Associated Press): Why did it take so long to designate these groups as terrorist organisations? Secondly, the Nigerian government has been using maximum force in an attempt to subdue these two militant groups; is there a more effective way the US would tackle these threats different from what the Nigerian government has been doing? Senior administration official two: You would recall that the State Department designated three of the organisations’ leaders in June 2012 – Abubakar Shekau, Khalid al-Barnawi, and Abubakur Kambar. And we have conducted an extensive process of review and research to determine the effectiveness of designating the two groups as foreign terrorist organisations. This is a process that takes a long time. It was after the review and consultations with the Nigerian government and other partners that we deemed it appropriate to so designate them. Senior administration official one: We have continued to urge the Nigerian government to take a comprehensive approach to insecurity in the North. And that approach, in our view, has to include addressing the region’s legitimate political, economic, and social needs, as well as implementing a professional security response that respects human rights. We have repeatedly engaged senior Nigerian officials to offer our guidance to them on how best to fight Boko Haram through appropriate use of counterinsurgency doctrine. Our AFRICOM commander, General Rodriguez, and the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, plan to travel to Nigeria later this year to discuss this and some other issues. We have also had meetings between the Under Secretary of State, Wendy Sherman, who led a delegation to Abuja for the US-Nigeria Bi-National Commission working group on regional security. You need to address the way they are handling the security situation. Jo Biddle (AFP): There was an initial fear that more people might be recruited into these groups; don’t you think that this designation will push more people to join Boko Haram’s ranks? Also, is the Nigerian government on board with this decision? Senior administration official two: I think that this designation sends an important signal to those who would be interested in becoming part of the organisations or supporting them. It imposes a prohibition on knowingly providing material support to them. We did have consultations with them in advance. Senior administration official one: As you may know, the Nigerian government itself declared Boko Haram a terrorist group earlier this year; so it is on board with the designation. Karen DeYoung (The Washington Post): Are there assets of either group in this country that you are now freezing as a result of this designation? Senior administration official two: I think I would have to refer that question to the Treasury Department. But the sanction is necessary before we can make that sort of determination. Margaret Brennan (CBS News): Specifically, are there more government-to-government and military-to-military coordination, as well as multinational efforts at tackling this menace following the designation? Senior administration official one: We are really working very closely with the Nigerian government and its neighbours in the region. And we are doing it in a comprehensive manner. We are working to enhance security force professionalism, improve Nigeria’s forensics and investigative capacity and strengthen their criminal justice system. Our assistance also stresses the importance of protecting civilians in a manner that ensures that human rights are protected and respected. In the region, we also have the Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism programme, in which we are working with the civil society as well as military and police or national security forces in the countries in the region, particularly in Niger and Chad. So governments in the region, especially the border states, have been in discussions on how to strengthen their own border security. And we consider that collaboration to be positive. Source: US State Department sundaytrust.ng/index.php/top-stories/15048-we-designated-boko-haram-ansaru-because-of-our-economic-interests-us-officials
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 14:57:12 +0000

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