WE NEED DONATIONS NOW PLEASE!!!!!! SHARE THIS LINK / BUILD THE MOMENTUM Thanks to those of you who have made donations - but we need $$$$$ now!!!! Lots of people have said they would be happy to support - we need that support now! It is costing hundreds of dollars a month to feed the family following Michaels murder in the Philippines on the 19th of February 2014. Any amount would be greatly appreciated - and if you can afford to schedule a fortnightly direct debit (even if only $5) it would go a long way. Please make it a priority to direct deposit any amount to: Account Name: Matthew Richman BSB 087007 Account Number 949797386 (National Australia Bank - NAB) We are currently going through incorporation. A new bank account will be opened (in the name of the Michael Rosendale Family Support Initiative) once incorporation is complete (the bank has advised we would have to open a new account after we become incorporated, due to their system (NAB)). The current account and that account will be fully audited and audit reports available to anyone who has donated. We will, of course, be complying with our reporting obligations to Corporate Affairs. The committee, and I, will ensure a fully transparent process.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:06:57 +0000

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