WEEKEND DIGEST TO THE ONES I LOVE Battle for the Young by Gbile - TopicsExpress


WEEKEND DIGEST TO THE ONES I LOVE Battle for the Young by Gbile Akanni Continued from last weekend CHAPTER 2 – THE PRIME TIME The time of youth is the prime time in anyone’s life. It is a great privilege to be young. Many old people do envy the youth. They wish they could return to being young again; and that is why they try to do whatever they can, to look young. Unfortunately, being young comes only once in a lifetime. No one can be young more than once. As a lady, you cannot be ‘sweet sixteen’ more than once. Once you pass the age of sixteen, it is clear than you can never be sixteen again. However, the time of your youth is also the period of making choices. And the choices at this prime time of life are such that make indelible marks on one’s life and destiny. There is a battle going on in the world concerning young people and it is all about influencing their choices. Choices that will mark your life out for greatness and glory are made when you are young. If you meet an accomplished old man, prosperous and celebrated, enjoying the care of his equally successful children, it did not just happen somewhere in his old age. It is the product of a series of wise choices that he made while in his teens and twenties. On the other hand, choices that will predispose you to perpetual defeat and failure are also made when you are young. Whatever wrong we see in an old man today, most likely happened because of the choices he made when he was young. If you see an old woman whose marriage has scattered and she is being pushed between one man and another, it is not likely to be due to choices she made when she has become that old. She laid the foundation to be that kind woman when she was young! The unfortunate thing about these choices is that whether they were made consciously or unconsciously, they are often irreversible. The time of youth is not only one of making choices; it is also the time for laying the foundation for every aspect of future life. It is at this time that you lay the foundation for your carrier in life, your marriage and your destiny. In fact, everything that you will become in life is being founded now in the time of your youth. It is a time of tremendous strength and energy, a time of freshness. It is the time all your nerves and instincts are seeking the strongest expression. The direction you ‘plough’ them, now that you are young, determines the destination you will ‘reap’ in the years ahead. This time of your youth is a very crucial time that determines what happens for the rest of your life. The time of one’s youth is also the time of warfare. This is when you pitch your tent on whichever side you choose in the battle of life. And you either choose God or Satan. It is in this period of your life when you are called ‘the youth’ that you make that choice. God is out, mercifully looking for you, so that you will make Him your choice; but the devil is also fighting hard, to make sure he has you on his side. That is why the counsel of the word of God to anyone who is a youth is: So remember your Creator in the days your youth, before the difficult days come, and the years draw near when you will say, “I have no pleasure in them”. (Eccl 12:1 (NET) If you overcome in this battle now that you are young and make the Lord your choice, you will always overcome in every sphere of your life. May God bless you! ...To be continued Other Chapters Includes Ch3 THE RAGING BATTLE Ch4 PECULIAR CHALLENGES Ch5 LAMENTING THE WASTED YOUTH Ch6 THE BATTLE BEGINS Ch7 THE ENEMY’S TARGETS Ch8 THE CHOICE IS YOURS Ch9 YOUNG MEN OF WRONG CHOICES Ch10 RESPONSE DETERMINES THE FUTURE Pray about it and watch out! Feel free to share, copy and post this to the ones you love. Shallom
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 08:58:32 +0000

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