WEEKLY INSIGHT FROM THE CENTER FOR CHRIST CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP If society enters the future with these current false and distorted values, then it will have no future. It would mean the degeneration of Homo sapiens, Gods highest creation....A return to age-old, spiritual, moral, life-affirming values...is one of the decisive tasks of our era. It is a universal, human task. A global one. Mikhail Gorbachev If we thoughtfully review all of human history and our present precarious position at the edge of potential annihilation, we are forced to conclude, as Tolstoy did more than a century ago, that there is only one path to ensure survival, the inner path to our continual transformation. For no matter how threatening that path may be, and no matter how determined we are to avoid that path, we are now up against a wall that we have put in place, and our choice is to change or die. Tearing down the Berlin Wall is a visible, momentous, external step in that direction, but we now must move forward and tear down the walls that we build inside ourselves. This critical time in our history is compelling each of us to make a commitment to becoming Christ conscious and to take a leadership role no matter what our position is in our family, our workplace, and our community. And the only way to prepare ourselves to meet the challenges of this responsibility is to make a commitment to a lifetime of personal transformation. For, like an athlete preparing for an Olympic event, our preparation for discerning and fulfilling God’s unfolding purpose in our lives requires daily exercise. It requires a lifetime of daily contemplation, of courageous, uncompromising introspection, and of openness to change. It requires a daily expansion of our perception of our oneness with each other and with the Eternal Absolute, and it requires a daily assimilation of Divine Love into our lives. It requires a daily effort to detach from our self-will and from any ingrained, destructive tribal and family influences that may impede our progress. And it requires a daily alignment of our life’s work with God’s emerging and expanding purpose. Unlike the self-help movements of the late twentieth century, this commitment to daily preparation is not a disciplined dedication to improve oneself for one’s own benefit. Rather it is a devout commitment to engage in a profound personal transformation for the benefit of human evolution and survival. As we have done for thousands of years, today we continue to try to prevail without changing our existing oppositional mindset, without perceiving or acknowledging our unity with each other and with the Eternal Absolute, and without detaching from our familiar attitudes and from our own self-willed goals. And over thousands of years, the price we seem to be willing to pay for this status quo in our perceptions and behaviors continues to be brutal wars, genocide, and personal alienation from our indwelling divinity, from each other, and from God. Since no external political, social, or religious systems we devise and embrace seem to be able to diminish the consequences of living like this, we become inured to these consequences and consider them a necessary part of our human experience, and we continue on as we always have. And unless someone close to us is suffering with brain damage sustained in a recent war, or our immediate family is cut off from an adequate supply of food and clean water, or our neighborhood is being threatened by enemy fire, we ignore these consequences and go about our daily business as if everything is just fine. But everything is not just fine, and if we continue on with our current mindset, we may find that we are running out of time to change. We may find that it is too late to move away from the edge of our own self-ordained destruction. -from Christ Conscious Leadership ©2012 Barbara Benjamin All rights reserved.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 01:34:29 +0000

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