WEEKLY TRUTH SEEKERS - THE MEATRIX I - THE MEATRIX II 1) themeatrix/ 2)themeatrix/# Please "LIKE" and Share our fan page. Where truth and sovereignty are seen, felt and know to be ... one and the same. https://facebook/FamilyGatheringInt These 2 videos are OLDIES but goodies. They are awesome (teaching) industry info animations on the TRUTH about MILK, MEAT and CORPORATE FARMING MACHINES ... and its effects on the ENVIRONMENT and our HEALTH. "If you will take the time to notice, you will witness that mankind does NOT honor the Earth Mother. Therefore, in like manner ... mankind does not honer its most precious and GIFT from God ... that is the HUMAN VESSEL or body. Nor does it honor the vessel of others. For how mankind treats the human body is a direct correlation and corresponding mirror to how mankind treats the Mother Earth. For the precious gift of the human vessel is a gift from her as well. Indeed. We come from her bosom." - Little Fox The Peaceful No longer can humanity (including so-called SELF LABELED Light Workers) turn a blind (innocent) eye to our ROLE (both collectively and individually) in the sharing of this precious planet ... anymore. Indeed. :) Enjoy your world. And remember, we are to intentionally choose our personal truths, divine love paths ... and how we wish our reality ... to "BE".
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 19:04:03 +0000

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