WELCOME TO THE INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION FOUNDED ON HEMP & BAMBOO. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO SOLVE THE WORLDS PROBLEMS, BEGINNING WITH JUST 2 PLANTS. PLEASE SHARE AND JOIN US AT: facebook/abioeconomy or vist our site @ abioeconomy! The solution is here. It starts in the products we use every day. Picture a lego set you played with as a child. Now think about how many wonderful things you could build with that lego set. Buildings, cars, windmills, bridges, roads, spaceships, toys, people. The combinations are phenomenal. As you concentrated with all your might to arrange the pieces into your vision did you ever once stop and think. Can I use something else to build this? No. you merely went on arranging the pieces at a feverish pace eager to see the fruits of your labor. The same thing happened with stone, coal, oil, wood, during our evolution. We made these wondrous discoveries and then developed ways of making these materials useful. More importantly, we made these creations desirable and someone paid for them, so we made more and more until they became embedded in our culture and irreplaceable. Here lies the solution. We MUST change that LEGO and build with something else. By addressing the materials we use to build, we can start small and create a scalable industry that will show an enormous impact on our economies, we can reverse climate change, replenish soils, localize manufacturing creating jobs, and move out of this mass production model to inspire individuality. The best news is… We can fund it OURSELVES. We can change the tide of political power. We can feed the 9 billion people who will inhabit this planet by 2050. We can stop coal, big oil, and repair the damage. All without a sign raised in anger or a protest in peace. All the pieces are in place. There is nothing you need to do you arent already doing. You can spend as much as you want, waste as much as you want, drive as much as you want. Suddenly you’re free again. Free of the guilt that makes the donations, that pays more for green goods, and recycles… Why does this need to be a decision? Why can’t we do good and save money? All of it in the same purchase. We Can, and we can do it playing the big business game. Their rules. Our tools. By this point you are on the edge of your seat in suspense or dismissing this fraud. What is this miracle? It’s Agriculture. It’s a Bio Economy. It’s a society where nothing is waste. It begins with Bamboo and Hemp. It the next phase in our Evolution. It will save our society, this planet, and take us beyond the stars. By doing everything you are doing today. No sacrifices and no dramatics. Just a gradual change, funded by commerce. WELCOME TO THE INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION FOUNDED ON HEMP & BAMBOO. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO SOLVE THE WORLDS PROBLEMS, BEGINNING WITH JUST 2 PLANTS. PLEASE SHARE AND JOIN US AT: facebook/abioeconomy or vist our site @ abioeconomy! The solution is here. It starts in the products we use every day. Picture a lego set you played with as a child. Now think about how many wonderful things you could build with that lego set. Buildings, cars, windmills, bridges, roads, spaceships, toys, people. The combinations are phenomenal. As you concentrated with all your might to arrange the pieces into your vision did you ever once stop and think. Can I use something else to build this? No. you merely went on arranging the pieces at a feverish pace eager to see the fruits of your labor. The same thing happened with stone, coal, oil, wood, during our evolution. We made these wondrous discoveries and then developed ways of making these materials useful. More importantly, we made these creations desirable and someone paid for them, so we made more and more until they became embedded in our culture and irreplaceable. Here lies the solution. We MUST change that LEGO and build with something else. By addressing the materials we use to build, we can start small and create a scalable industry that will show an enormous impact on our economies, we can reverse climate change, replenish soils, localize manufacturing creating jobs, and move out of this mass production model to inspire individuality. The best news is… We can fund it OURSELVES. We can change the tide of political power. We can feed the 9 billion people who will inhabit this planet by 2050. We can stop coal, big oil, and repair the damage. All without a sign raised in anger or a protest in peace. All the pieces are in place. There is nothing you need to do you arent already doing. You can spend as much as you want, waste as much as you want, drive as much as you want. Suddenly you’re free again. Free of the guilt that makes the donations, that pays more for green goods, and recycles… Why does this need to be a decision? Why can’t we do good and save money? All of it in the same purchase. We Can, and we can do it playing the big business game. Their rules. Our tools. By this point you are on the edge of your seat in suspense or dismissing this fraud. What is this miracle? It’s Agriculture. It’s a Bio Economy. It’s a society where nothing is waste. It begins with Bamboo and Hemp. It the next phase in our Evolution. It will save our society, this planet, and take us beyond the stars. By doing everything you are doing today. No sacrifices and no dramatics. Just a gradual change, funded by commerce.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 16:58:43 +0000

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