“WHAT DO I WANT?!” SOME SANE LEADERS. “WHEN DO I WANT IT?” WHENEVER I CAN GET IT!!! PLEASE BRACE. WE ARE GOING INTO CLINICAL WATERS. Can I ask you a question? How would we know whether or not our leaders, in this country, were sane, or insane? I mean, can it be determined, for instance, by whether, or not, they get the most votes during election time? I am asking a never before asked question, and I am serious about the answer to the question. What proof do we actually have that our elected officials are not crazy? Let’s put our heads together, and try to figure out an answer to the following: “What would be the evidence needed that would indicate that our leaders are not insane? Would it be that we elected them? Would that be the proof? If so, what proof do we have, then, that we are not insane? I am asking, basically, to draw attention to the fact that this country was once the mightiest, the greatest, the freest, and most prosperous nation on earth, and it is now the most debt-ridden nation on earth, and its freedoms are becoming more and more of a distant memory. We vote for what amounts to our tyrants, who do not represent us, who do not follow the Constitution, who are basically lawless, and govern as they see fit, and do not vote on anything else, like our taxes, or “Obamacare,” or these stifling regulations. WHY?! I think, given the direction this country is heading, we need an answer to this question, at least, because it is getting harder and harder not only to tell who’s on first, and what’s on second, but also because I don’t know seems to be everywhere. Try as I might to come up with another reason that would explain why this country is in such a slump, today, I kept coming back to the insanity explanation, as the only logical choice, among such possibilities as incompetence, and inattentiveness to details. If either explained what we are witnessing, I think conditions would be more benign, but what we are experiencing does not seem to be a matter of happenstance. Certain wheels are turning, and, thus, are being turned, at the present time, both in Washington, and in New York, and other parts of the country, and there appears to be a considerable amount of coordination. In terms of New York, De Blasio berates the police in New York, like Obama does nationwide, every chance he gets, while both hug on them some Al Sharpton. In addition, the media covers for Obama, and it covers, also, for De Blasio, who, it seems, wants it to appear that he is upset with the media’s compliant coverage of demonstrators out in the street, calling for the heads of the police in New York, but who can believe that when De Blasio was practically out there in the street, with these demonstrators, shaking their hands? Recall that there were reports, when demonstrators were in the streets, in Ferguson, that Obama met with them in an unscheduled meeting at the White House, allegedly telling them to stay the course. I interpret such to mean, that Obama was telling these demonstrators to stay in the street. Did we see anything that De Blasio did, in New York, to discourage anyone from staying in the street? In a comment that stretched credulity all the way to a planet, in another galaxy, De Blasio told the assembled media figures he appeared to chastise, “Now the question is, what are you guys going to do? Are you going to keep dividing us?” IS THIS THING ON?! If so, here’s some more of De Blasio’s self-serving minutiae, “I’m not talking about every single one of you [in the media], but let’s get real….Twenty-five thousand people marched down one of our streets a few days back. Absolutely peaceful.” The Mayor left out the part, he should have added, “in spite of me, Obama, and Al Sharpton.” Continuing the appearance of lecturing the media, Mayor William De Blasio, added, “What you [the media] manage to do is pull up the few who do not represent the majority, who are saying unacceptable things, who shouldn’t be saying those things…and some who actually physically attack police officers.” At the expense of repeating myself, “IS THIS THING ON?” There are a lot of things I can’t believe. I can’t believe, for instance, that it’s not butter, and I can’t believe, in the Mayor’s case, it’s not bull. This man must think we can’t remember anything from last week. There were people marching in the middle of the street, last week, in New York, saying they wanted police officers dead. I didn’t hear the Mayor say, for instance, that he wanted police officers alive, and because he didn’t condemn these demonstrators for saying what they said, which is that they wanted them dead, I have to conclude that he wanted some police officers dead too. HOLD ON! There are diabolical minds at work here. America needs to stop thinking that these politicians are like they are, for the most part, which is normal, and start thinking of them as less than they are, which is to say, abnormal. And, yes, I am serious, some, in the past, like Andrew Breitbart, and Michael Hastings, have been dead serious. Let me be more blunt; the government in Washington is more rotten than you think, and it is more treasonous than you think. What would happen if this government had Kim Jong Un’s power, and not subject to the voters’ endorsement every once in a while? Are these politicians really any better than he is? “REALLY?” The above might appear to be harsh, given the Mayor’s contrition after two officers died, in a cowardly attack by a mad man, but I don’t think it is harsh at all, but an honest assessment of how people like De Blasio, and Obama, think. It is to be expected that De Blasio would find the nearest microphone to express his condolences, after two officers have lost their lives, but am I supposed to believe that De Blasio did not have any idea that his behavior could lead to violence against police officers? If you say he couldn’t anticipate such an outcome, I have to say you got me on that one because I don’t believe it. De Blasio is not dumb. He is corrupt. He is a politician. Keep that in mind! Yes, REALLY! Also, expressing contrition was Al Sharpton; he was thoroughly disgusted, too, that someone would use the deaths of Eric Garner, and Michael Brown, to target police officers. I ain’t buying that one either. Sharpton stayed in Ferguson until the community was burned down, and as soon as opportunity presented itself for him to do damage elsewhere, elsewhere became New York. Please notice how quiet Ferguson got when Sharpton left, and how noisy New York got once he arrived on the scene there, sitting in De Blasion’s lap. Why would Sharpton, who all but has a cabinet post in the Obama administration, seek to spread discontent over events that took place in Ferguson and New York, all over the rest of the country? Indeed, ask yourself what is a person with Sharpton’s history, as a racial arsonist, doing in meetings with Obama, and De Blasio? I don’t recall a single demonstration in which Sharpton was involved that didn’t end in some kind of tragedy, and several demonstrations, he has led, have ended in deaths. And he is now surprised, and outraged, that two officers were killed? Sharpton felt grief over their deaths? PUH-LEESE! At a press conference, in the aftermath of the two officers’ deaths, Sharpton actually made himself the victim, telling the media that he had received death threats, even playing a recorder of where he had been called “nigger.” I didn’t use the customary “N-Word” derivation, here, because I don’t find this term any more offensive, and insulting, than Al Sharpton’s use of the word, “homos,” calling Greeks “homos” when he was a guest speaker on a college campus, in 1994. One of the things you notice in these race discussions is that political correctness is supposed to get one to cherry pick what words someone is supposed to be outraged over. All demeaning terms are equally demeaning. The idea that some words are more demeaning than others is pure nonsense. “But, what about slavery,” you say? OK, what about it? Do you know anybody, living today, who was a slave in this country? Sharpton’s use of the word, “cracker,” in the same speech, is why I found Sony Director Amy Pascal’s groveling at his feet, so disgusting. Here was this liberal numbskull, whose private comments were on tape about the kind of movies President Obama probably preferred, apologizing for nothing. That she would go to Sharpton, of all people, with her apology, and ask for forgiveness, was an outrage, when there was nothing of any real substance to apologize for in the e-mails that surfaced from what was called a cyber-attack by North Korea. She didn’t know it but she was apologizing to Sharpton for being white, while breathing. Sharpton, as a racist psychopath, demands kneeling from whites. Sharpton is also a lying psychopath. The New York Post called him a “Rat,” and actor James Woods called him a “Pig,” in the aftermath of the deaths of the two New York police officers, Rafael Ramos, and Wenjian Liu. Rather than arguing the point, I’ll just say, we have come a long way from the kind of animals used to describe human beings’ behavior when I was growing up, in which you were called either a “chicken,” or a “turkey.” How times have changed. No one, by the way, ever called Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a “Rat,” or a “Pig.” I’ll leave it at that. Neither Sharpton, nor De Blasio, have any real compassion for these fallen officers. Their agenda doesn’t allow for any sobbing. De Blasio, who showed us why he does not need a hanker-chief, to dry his tears, when he said that demonstrators should wait until after the funerals are over before resuming their protest of the police in New York. What about telling these demonstrators, in the name of these officers, to go home? How long does one William De Blasio think it should take for demonstrators to understand that the verdict in the Eric Garner case is not going to change? Nor should it charge, as the tape of the incident shows, if people would look at it, rather than having CNN look at it for them. Obama, being a good sport, stopped playing golf long enough to condemn the killing of these two police officers. Is he remorseful of the role his remarks played in the creation of a climate to which a person travelled from Baltimore, for crying out loud, to kill officers in New York? To say the killer was crazed is one thing, but why was his craziness expressed in New York, and not Baltimore? That is a question for De Blasio, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, and President Obama, to answer; all of them are complicit in these two officer’s deaths. There is no doubt about that, just as there is no doubt that there is an agenda driving what we are seeing take place in this country. The racism narrative is to get white people in this country to shut up, while Obama completes his stated mission. Any objection to his diabolical plans means you are a racist. It is well thought out, deviously so. A person has to be clinically sick to hide himself, as Obama did in 2008, knowing that he, as Jeremiah Wright’s spiritual son, was unelectable. So, realizing that the American people were looking for a healer, Obama pretended he was that person, and the goodwill of the American people caused them to give him a chance. It was all a political charade on Obama’s part. Obama knew why he was elected, in 2008. He was elected because he presented himself as a person who would work to bring this nation together. He has done everything but bring this nation together. America is now at its own throat, applying a chokehold against itself. There is obviously some coordination taking place behinds the scene, and when you know who Obama is, you will be able to see who, by seeing his sickness. We have seen the militarization of the police force, in this country, and it appears that the Obama administration seems bent upon creating a climate in which it becomes necessary to federalize the police force. If that happens, we will be looking at a police State, down the barrel of a gun, and nope, I am not kidding. We are not, as Jonathan Turley said, at a constitutional tipping point; the Constitution has been overthrown in this country. Those shots fired Saturday took the lives of two of New York’s finest. I can’t help wondering what would have been their fate if sane leaders were running this country. I think both men would still be alive, because if sane people were running this country, they would not be making up these racism stories, in order to pit Americans against each other. That is what Obama is doping, that is all he has been doing, and that is why Sharpton is sitting in these White House meetings. Allow me to let you in on a little secret, the New York police department doesn’t need any additional training as a result of the Eric Garner case, and De Blasio knows it, and Darren Wilson losing his job for doing his job, is this nation’s shame. I heard a man say, “Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere.” America is on a path to witness the wrath of those words. I just can’t see how the political leaders in this country, who are taking this nation down this path, can be sane. Some, in fact, are clearly insane. The list is not a short one. I don’t have to make up a fantasy in the chant I would like to use, as was made up in “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot,” which is nonsense because Michael Brown never raised his hands, and if he did, when? My chant would be in keeping with the evidence, which shows that the politicians in this country are sick, mentally ill, for the most part. So, “What do I want?!” Sane Leaders! “And when do I want it?” Whenever I can get it!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:16:44 +0000

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