WHAT I WAS. Years ago, before my four kids were born and when they - TopicsExpress


WHAT I WAS. Years ago, before my four kids were born and when they were little, my life was an energizer-bunny madness. Three day jobs (journalist/editor, teacher, scriptwriter), apart from pro-bono work for non-profits. I managed and played with bands, wrote grants, was part of business/political think-tanks, helped organize communities, rendered work for activist groups fighting the dictatorship, traveled to/from city to mountain on weekly basis. I also produced the bulk of my creative work (literature, articles/essays, songs, art) during those years... When I moved to Asheville in 2000, I threw myself in a crazy slew of activities: two monthly park concerts from spring to fall, edited/layouted The Indie, traveled up-north twice a month to produce shows and performed, booked shows on weekly basis. I was called The Madman, yet those activities seem so “low profile” and minor when compared to my 20/30-something life... WHAT I WANNA DO. I would love to teach youths about what I know, mostly writing and journalism. Cook more for friends and family. Write more, publish more books—nonstop, continuously. Take advantage of what social media/internet could offer on the line of workable benefits than whine about its synthetic bombast. Do more gardening and farm work. Play sports. Laugh, and keep on laughing (but not alone).
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 18:38:30 +0000

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