WHAT IF: What if Hitler, had skipped over the Socialism step - TopicsExpress


WHAT IF: What if Hitler, had skipped over the Socialism step during his reign of Germany and gone straight to full blown Communism immediately after conning the people into electing him? The answer to that can be found by looking at what happened to Morsi in Egypt. He would have been tossed out on his ass just like Morsi was. Morsi made a big mistake by taking to big of bite of peoples liberties at one time and it caused the people to revolt against him. He was not as well skilled Socialist/Communist as the great Adolf Hitler or Barack Obama. You have to begin as a smooth charismatic snake oil salesman like Hitler or Obama. You cant come in balls to wall dictator like Morsi tried to do, else youll get the same results Morsi did(the boot in your ass you deserve). If your smooth and charismatic enough, and can give a good speech coming off as compassionate for the little guy, you can drum up a cheerleading squad of support from at least 40% of the people. That is enough to advance your agenda. You can rule against 60% of the people(sure, there will be a lot of mumbling; but you can tread just right to avoid the people revolting against your sorry ass). Trying to rule against 80% of the people is not a good idea at the Socialist level; that needs to wait until we achieve our goal of Communism; at that point, we are powerful enough to totally dictate rule upon the people and dont give a crap about the peons mumblings. But we cannot skip the Socialism step. Socialism is the infant stage of Communism and will eventually grow up to become Communism once it is fed enough POWER. Communism is a power hungry machine. Our Constitution was written in a manner to give POWER to the people, and to limit the POWER of government. So, how do we people have POWER?........................ Our rights, our freedoms, and our liberties granted not by the Constitution, but by God, and upheld by the Constitution, is our POWER! Communists want that POWER; they dont want us to have it; POWER is a drug to Communists and they need their fix. But they can only get to Communism(Authoritarian Dictator Rule), through the process of Socialism; which has to be gradual enough to suck a little POWER here, and a little POWER there; but never making a Morsi mistake by trying to take too much at one time. It is a slow process that takes time to get to full Communism; thats why its called the Progressive Movement. The name fits. The difference between a Socialist and a Communist is that a Socialist is a con man(he doesnt yet hold the POWER, it still lies with the people; but he wants it); whereas a Communist is a Strongman Thug(he has completed the Socialist phase and sucked up ALL the peoples POWER through his cons; getting them to voluntarily go along with his programs that he promised were beneficial for the overall good of the PUBLIC SAFETY and WELFARE of the POPULACE AS A WHOLE). Notice there is no INDIVIDUALISM(as in INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL LIBERTY) in the Socialist plan. we are all grouped together as one WHOLE POPULACE and fed one size fits all policies. How can anyone with half a brain still be thinking under this kinda crap that Oh, golly gee, we are so blessed to have a President that cares for each and every one of us as individuals? So what is Obamas FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA he campaigned on and promised us?........Im giving it to you! Wake the hell up! So why do people follow this crap?.....Because they are promised a Utopia at the end of the yellow brick road; where everybody gets fed and clothed; everybody gets the medical care they need; everybody gets the education they desire; no more rich or poor; no one is left out; everybody shares equally; the haves carry the load for the have nots(whether through laziness and lack of drive and work ethnic of the have nots; or real legitimate handicaps or bad temporary circumstances; doesnt matter; wealth redistribution can cover everybody); all the unfairness has been made right and we owe it all to King Obama; peace be upon him. But when I ask an average Joe Liberal how he feels about Communism, he says I hate Communism. Is he lying? .........NO, hes not. He doesnt see Communism at the end of that yellow brick road. He really does feel in his heart that the things he supports is in the best interest of the nation. He is too naive to know he is being played for a fool, and a useful idiot helping BIG DADDY GOVERNMENT suck a little POWER from us here, and a little POWER there. He truly believes government has only our best interest at heart(especially under the helm of the Messiah Barack Obama; He only lives for the moment; he would freak if he thought the POWER he is forfeiting to government now might one day end up in the hands of a lunatic Conservative President like Ted Cruz or somebody; he doesnt look that far ahead). You really should study and research Socialism and Communism. Joe average Liberal also doesnt know that once hes served his purpose as a useful idiot to help propel his Messiah to the Communist level, Communists eat and devour even their own blind sheep that helped them get there. Once your no longer needed(at the Socialist con stage), you are discarded(at the Strongman Communist Thug stage). Sorry to be the bearer of bad news to you USEFUL IDIOTS.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 03:42:01 +0000

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