WHAT KIND OF LOVE IS THIS??? For God so greatly loved and - TopicsExpress


WHAT KIND OF LOVE IS THIS??? For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He gave up His only begotten(unique) son,so that whoever believes in(trust in,cling to,relies on) Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16(AMP).Greater love hath no man than this, that a man should lay down(give up) his own life for his friends. John 15:13. I would love to start by wishing everyone a very merry and memorable Christmas! *party* .Now lets go back to the business of the day.Happy reading!!! The scripture above is a very popular one but i would like us to look at it deeply and and get the true message that it entails. At this stage we are expected to already know that LOVE IS ALL ABOUT GIVING, YOU CANNOT SAY YOU LOVE ME AND YOURE NOT GIVING ME ANYTHING, its either youre giving me your time, substance, care,words of encouragement, you just have to give something-infact I CAN MEASURE YOUR LOVE FOR ME BY HOW MUCH YOURE WILLING TO GIVE UP FOR MY SAKE.Now i want you to try to picture the God kind of life, God loved and valued us to the extent that he gave up His only begotten son,according to the English scholars, when you are giving your only begotten ,that means youre left with nothing. Meaning GOD GAVE YOU AND I ALL HE HAD.A wise man(Myles Munroe, may his great soul R.I.P) once said thatWhen the purpose of a thing is unknown, abuse is inevitable.John 3:16 made me understand that the purpose of God for giving us His son is that men should believe in Him and whoever believes in Him will not perish and will also gain eternal life. I love the way amplified version explained John 3:16,it says believing in Him means that you are trusting in,clinging to and even relying on Him,my question now is that HOW MUCH OF HIM(JESUS) DO YOU BELIEVE IN???.When you totally believe in Him,a sure bet is that you cannot be brought to destruction rather you would gain eternal life. At this juncture,let us consider the opposite of love which is wickedness or hatred, just as love is measured by giving-hatred and wickedness is measured by how much you are willing to take and steal from people. In John 10:10,the Bible saysThe thief(Devil) cometh not but to steal,to kill and destroy but Jesus cometh to give us life in abundance.There are two characters in John 10:10 and they came for two different agenda. THE FIRST (DEVIL) CAME TO TAKE(WICKEDNESS), STEAL,DESTROY and according to his attribute you dont need a prophet to tell you that this person isnt for you but against you.THE SECOND (JESUS) CAME TO GIVE (LOVE) US LIFE ABUNDANTLY. As a reasonable person, you are expected to SURRENDER TO JESUS AND BE SAFE,but some of us are still surrendering to devil that is why shits are present in our lives.The devil did not pay anything on your behalf,why should you now allow him to influence your life? WHY!!!. I have discovered that WHO YOU SURRENDER TO WILL GREATLY DETERMINE WHAT YOUR LIFE WILL BE SURROUNDED WITH.. Who do you surrender to??? Without spending too much time on this topic, i would strongly advice us to COME TO JESUS AND EVERY OTHER THINGS WILL SPEEDILY COME TO YOU. Before you claim the blessings of Psalm 23,i would like you to ask yourself if you have actually made the Lord your Shepherd,we are so much busy claiming the blessings in Psalm 23 that we neglect to observe that the psalmist started by declaring the Lord his Shepherd, this is to tell you and i that THE BLESSINGS OF PSALM 23 IS ONLY FOR THOSE THAT HAVE MADE THE LORD THEIR SHEPHERD, HAVE YOU MADE THE LORD YOUR SHEPHERD??? You might want to ask that how can you make the Lord your Shepherd, well that will be a topic for another day. I can go on and on to tell you about the goodies that awaits you by accepting Christ into your life and the unnecessary stress youre causing yourself by not doing so but because of space i would have to stop here- i also believe that A WORD IS TRULY ENOUGH FOR THE WISE. In conclusion, God is ever ready to accept anyone that will come to Him,after all He didnt come for Himself but HE CAME TO SAVE YOU AND I(Matthew 1:21).PLEASE DONT LET HIS DEATH ON THE CROSS BE IN VAIN OVER YOUR LIFE, PLEASE!!!. With one voice let us thank my source (JESUS) by sayingTHANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT-3 times.FOR WITHOUT HIM I CAN DO NOTHING (John 15:5b).GOD BLESS YOU!!! Source: Www.ojomike.blogspot
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 00:23:11 +0000

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