WHAT SAY YOU HISHAM? THE MAIN PROBLEM IN MALAYSIA WHERE HEADLESS CHICKEN ARE EVERYWHERE, IS THAT NOT THE BEST MEN ARE GIVEN THE TOP POSTS BUT THE CRONIES OF BN LEADERS WHO HAPPENED TO BE INCOMPETENT. WHAT A SHAME!!!!!! QUOTE: A Bloomberg columnist has criticised Malaysias handling of the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, saying that the chaos that marred the hunt has shown up the countrys weaknesses. William Pesek, in his column titled A Plane Disappears, Malaysias Flaws Emerge, questioned Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Husseins credentials that made him defence and acting transport minister. How does someone like Hishammuddin Hussein become defence minister and acting transport minister in Southeast Asias third-biggest economy? Even with his nearly 20-year stint as a legislator and more than a decade in ministerial posts, it cant hurt that hes also the scion of a powerful political family. The lamentable manner in which he has fielded questions about the search underscores how unaccustomed Malaysias leaders are to being questioned by anyone, Pasek wrote in his column. He said it was this mindset which has caused Malaysia to be ensnared in the middle-income trap which countries like South Korea and Thailand had escaped years ago. Rather than free the economy from race-based quotas and business preferences, the party has expanded them. Never mind that these policies make Malaysia even less attractive to multinational companies and encourage so many of the nations best and brightest to move to Singapore and Hong Kong. Or that the Philippines and Indonesia are surging ahead as Malaysia looks backward, Pesek said. UNQUOTE themalaysianinsider/malaysia/article/search-for-flight-mh370-reveals-malaysias-flaws-says-bloomberg-columnist
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 12:33:03 +0000

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