WHAT SHOULD BE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO THE REFUGEE MASSES? As Christians we are indeed called to be charitable, but is that not an individual calling as opposed to a governmental one? If I, against your objections, take from you to give to someone else that I think has more need of what you have and what you earned, am I being charitable or am I a thief? If as president I forsake those who served and sacrificed the most (our nations vets) and instead finance those who did not serve and are in our country in violation of our laws, am I being compassionate or defiant? Is their anything just or fair about that? Children as in small/young children are genuinely blameless. They do what they are told. They are precious not matter where they come from. Compassionate and humanitarian Americans simply can not turn our back on their needs. They did not invade us. They were brought/sent here as opposed to coming here. No, they dont belong here but we dare not turn our backs on them either. That however does not negate our sending them back to their own countries and families as fast a as possible. We are, after all, a sovereign nation, not the worlds orphanage. We must never lose sight that we are $17 trillion in debt already. We have our own citizens whose needs are not being met. We simply cant afford an immigrant invasion. If we try do so then we are destined to become a third world country in our own right. Once we are gone it is all over for everyone. Their is no other Untied States of America to come to our aide - or anyone elses either. Americans need to understand that middle school and high school age teenagers are the predominate deadly gang members in Latin America such as the ruthless MS-13. They are NOT kids like we ordinarily think of teenagers. They are ruthless and dangerous. We simply can not allow them in our country. Recall that one-third of all the immigrant girls who have arrived in this refugee cris have been raped and almost a third of the small boys have been abused. It is those very teenagers who committed those crimes. Remember, they are not coming across with full grown men. Its all women, children, and teens who are mostly gang members. Never allow the mainstream media and liberal to make you lose sigh of that. Nobody is denying that these suffering people need humanitarian aide, but we can and do provide them with such humanitarian aide in their own country. It is easier and cheaper to help them in their own country then to add them to the welfare roles and education roles of our own county. Moreover, we simply dare not risk the massive infestation of communicable diseases they bring to our country not the least of which is the most virulent strain of tuberculous that there is. Our government must protect Americans first. This crisis was not the result of hurricanes, floods or tornadoes. This crisis is an entirely man-made and it could have been prevented. It is the result of Obama presidential policies and the evidence clearly shows the Obama administration knew this was going to happen months ago. Instead of preventing it, Obama encouraged it. This crisis is happening by design, not by accident. This human humanitarian crisis on our borders is a direct result of a very deliberate Obama policy designed to force his goal of left-wing immigration reform. It is nothing less than criminal in nature and in scope. This is how the enemy acts, not how a president sworn to protect the American people should act. Their is no doubt that the refugees are also trying to escape brutal oppression and gang violence in their land. As awful as that is, their is also nothing knew about it either. It is no more violent or oppressive in their countries today then it was last year, the year before, or the year before that. They need to understand that freedom is never free. A price must alway be paid in blood to earn and preserve liberty. All they want to do is escape the oppression and gang violence and have somebody else pay the price for them. Im sorry, but that is not how it should work. Oppressed people need to fight back. We can help to arm and train them to fight back. But it is their fight, not ours. If gangs are attacking them they need to form militia and fight back against the gangs. If they are unwilling to fight for their own liberty, why should we do it for them? If they only wish to escape, why should we provide them with sanctuary and at a humongous cost that we cant afford and which jeopardizes our own standard of living, our way of life, our health, and our national security? This is their crisis and their fight, and they have no right to make it ours. Help them- yes; do it for them - no. Yes, lets help these needy people to the extent that we can but not here in our own homeland, and certainly not to our own demise. These illegals simply must be sent home to their own countries and no more illegals should be allowed in. Our policy must be If you cant obey our laws and come here legally, then you absolutely do not belong here and you will not be allowed to stay here - no matter what. Barack Obama and no other liberal has any right to spend your hard earned money, without your permission, in effect stealing it from you, to involuntarily force you to assume this enormous burden to the detriment of your own families. That is a crime and it must stop now. Ronald Reagan wisely said, Without secure borders we are no longer a country. We not only need to remember his wise words but also heed them. We will never be able to fix this problem, secure our borders, or end a slew of criminal scandals and crimes against the American people as long as Barack Hussein Obama remains president. Obama has to go. He just has to. It is now vital that he be removed from office because he is dangerous. We can not afford to wait another 2 years for Obama to leave office either. Barack Obama is such a clear and present danger to the American people right now that we can no longer delay removing him from power and expect to be able to restore our Republic. This situation really is that urgent. Congress simply must impeach him now and We The People must make congress fulfill their responsibility to do so. ED COET Founder, The Facebook Tea Party
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 14:34:28 +0000

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